Mia's accident

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Jansen's car came to a stop in front of Juliet's apartment. When they both marched inside, She threw her handbag off her arm in rage and turned facing Jansen narrowing her eyes at him, "you shouldn't have done that! That's uncalled for! What's wrong with you grabbing me out of my workplace and telling my Boss I'm your wife? Well, FYI Jansen, you are very popular. On the News, in Magazines, everybody knows you, and soon, my Boss will figure out that I'm not truly your wife and he will think I'm your Mistress. And because of that scandal, he will not hesitate sacking me. Thank you for making me lose my job."

"Grrrr." She let out a growl of frustration.

"Your Boss won't fire you."

"Yes he will! You are famous, he's gonna recognize you soon."

"Even if he does, it's pointless cause I and Mia are already divorced."

Juliet gasped astonished, "say what?"

"Yes, " he bobbed his head in response, "we are no longer a couple."

"What! Why did you break up with my sister? The only reason I left you for good was so you guys can be happy together not leave each other. Mia is going to feel miserable without you cause I know how much she loves you. I wonder how she must be right now."

"She will be fine."

"What kind of a husband are you? Did it not cross your mind how Mia is going to feel before divorcing her? What if something happens to her? I detest Mia but, I won't be able to take it if she gets into any danger most especially because of me."

He walked closer to her, and he grabbed her hand lovingly staring into her eyes, "it's not your fault I love you."

She slowly pulled his hand off hers, and shook her head, "you should not love me. We can't..., " Her voice starts to crack as tears roll down her eyes, "we can't be a couple."

He laid his manly hands on her face, and his heart was racing in anxiousness, "why not?" He cried.

"You do not belong to me, and I don't belong to you either. You and Mia have a daughter, you three are a family and I don't want Mia or Bella suffering because of our decision to be together."

"Yea but what about us?" His eyes glistened with tears, "what about me? Don't you love me anymore? Don't you want to be with me? Why are you letting go?"

"They are gonna get hurt."

"Forget them, focus on just us cause I love you so much Juliet."

"I'm sorry." She edged away from him not having much words to say to him and stepped into her bedroom.

Mia had been laying in her queen-sized-bed unconscious for hours. She was attended by a doctor, and a bandage was wrapped around her wounded head, and her hip. When she awoke, she saw Mark sitting by her bed, and she mumbled his name which got his attention.
He came close to her, and a smile flashed on his face seeing her awake.

"How are you feeling?'

"Jansen?" She stared around in anxiousness hoping to find him in her room with her, and when she did not spot him anywhere, she raised herself to a sitting position and was almost getting off her bed to go looking for him. Mark restrained her from leaving her bed.

"You need to rest. You just woke up after your accident."

"No.. I need to be with Jansen, I want my husband with me." She howled, and she was becoming so restless and impatient Mark couldn't think of any other way to calm her down, he hugged her tightly consoling her in his arms till she became calm.
He served her a tall glass of warm water and she downed it through pursed lips.

"Feeling okay?" Mark was staring at her, when he looked into her eyes, they seemed sullen and pale.

"Why is it hard to forget him? To let go? He has hurt me too many times still I miss him."

"Stop thinking about that jerk, " Mark felt outraged, he was gnashing his jaw, "I am here right? Am I not enough for you? Why are you still looking for that bastard?"

"It's not easy. I can't believe I lost him to Juliet. And I won't see him again, but I know it's for the best. I'd rather he leaves me than seeing him cheating on me with her. That hurts so bad."

"It's okay, " Mark stroke her cheek lovingly, "you're gonna be okay." He felt quite carried away by the moment, he leaned in closer to her and he lowered his face to hers kissing her lovingly.

Mia was startled and nervous by his kiss, she quickly moved away from him.


"Why? We are not doing anything wrong. You and Jansen are divorced. Unless..., " He bowed his head in sadness, "unless you do not want me."

"Tell me, did you ever like me?"

She was silent.

"Did you?" He stared intently into her eyes hoping to hear a response from her.

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