Untitled Part 87

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It was 10:42 in the cold night. Bella has been standing by her large window gazing outside thinking about Jay, and she feels quite anxious and helpless to step out of her bedroom through the windows which are sealed with strong black bars. Tears fled from her eyes of the thought that she is stuck in her bedroom, and she suddenly heard the doors growling as they open and she shivered feeling a bit startled thinking it might be Juliet.

When she glanced over her shoulder, she exhaled in relief looking at the woman by the door who is old and wearing a long night dress.

"Nanny Macy." She approached her, "please can I have the keys to the backdoors?"

"Keys?" Macy raised a brow.

"Yea. I wanna escape from this mansion so I can be with Jay."

"But Bella, that's not right. What if Jansen gets worried wondering where you are?"

"I don't care nanny. I don't care about anything else at this point. All the time, I have been trying my best to cope with everything that is happening. I'm still trying to cope with mum's accident and I'm also trying to cope with the pain that she's not here with me, I feel so weak and tired to care or worry about anything else cause I just wanna be happy for once and being with Jay, makes me feel alright. I also don't wanna be around aunt Juliet or feel her presence around me. Can you see?" She points at the bars in the windows, "she is restricting me from going out to be with Jay. She's trying to control my life, and I don't want that and it hurts a lot that Dad does not even care how she treats me. So no, I don't care how he will feel when I leave the house or if I do not come back." She said firmly.

"Alright, do take care of yourself." Macy laid her hand on her face lovingly and Bella embraced her, "I will."

The street was cold and silent, the wind was blowing whirl Bella cuddle herself to feel slightly warm but the wind kept caressing her while she walked. She looked behind her and across the street scanning to see if there are taxis driving by, but there was not a single taxi even a bus. She heaved a sigh feeling quite exhausted walking for quite so long. She noticed the road getting broader the more paces she takes.

Bella strode into another street, which had a huge sign board built across the road which says, 'Orange street'. She did not care which street she was entering, she just kept walking and was hoping to spot a taxi at this new street. However, the street was desolate and dead silent and she started to get anxious noticing the road looking so lone the more she walked and she halted and tried to swerve to quickly leave this boring street and she gasped and stood awestruck noticing two huge and heavily bodied men in front of her.

"W-who are you guys?" Her voice shakes horribly as her heart was drumming so fast.

The thug with red hair and sagged jeans stretched his hand to hers, "come with me pretty damsel." He grinned at her.

Is he a pervert? Bella pondered.

"Come to me, I'll pay you ten thousand dollars for a night with you. How about you say yes?"

Bella shivered feeling edgy, "I don't want to. I wanna leave."

She tried to edge away from them and one of them quickly pulled out his gun in his jacket and pointed it at her forehead and she gasped feeling petrified and her eyes expanded.

"You better come with us peacefully else you're dead." He spoke with a hsuky voice.

"I said I don't wanna!" She screamed loudly and gawked at the gun in his hand surmising how she was going to run off without being shot. Courage streamed through her, and she whacked him with her handbag, swiveled swift and skedaddle.

The goon was irked, he indicated his gun at her screaming, "Stand down!"

The goon shot at the air expecting the echo of the gun would unnerve her. Bella seals her ears at the pitch of the gun hastening her stride breathing hard.

She jostled up the parkway and she was visualizing the guards in her psyche getting closer to her, her heart started pounding wildly. She was having briefness of breath, she slothfully strode. Lingering to snag her breath, she looked back inspecting if the goons are still on her track, and she blotched two of the guards walking, peeking around the lane at any unnoticed areas, fully determined.

Bella ignored her tiring lungs and strived to flee, her pair of heels wrecked, the brooches were losing and rolling off. She nearly slipped and was striding unsteadily like she was tipsy, trying to regain her balance. Her feet slipped off the heels.

The sodden floor smooched her feet affectionately, its chilliness was frosting her feet and she huffed loudly

The tone of raindrops was accumulating and so audible deafening to ears. The raw wind shrieked through the air breezing through her doused dress. Bella quivered to sheathe her arms around her chest tightly.

Bella swooped the road deflecting to an intersection with no soul. The street appeared rather murky. The street lamps had a few drawbacks, the illumination flickering every five seconds.

Bella looked around inspecting the road for any conceivable area to hang around but with the lights flickering, everywhere seemed so foggy.

She gave attention to some footsteps and she was frightened. In an endeavor to steer, she sprawled stumbling flatly on the ground. She screeched and tears shredded on her cheeks.

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