Untitled Part 88

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She gave attention to some footsteps and she was frightened. In an endeavor to steer, she sprawled stumbling flatly on the ground grazing her ankle, she screeched and tears shredded on her cheeks in cascade and she listened to the footsteps arriving towards her, and they were echoing louder she sensed the goons are almost near and she quickly rose off the floor and attempted to run but her leg was aching a lot and the more she walked, the aching got extremely excruciating she groaned and whimpered and she suddenly heard a husky voice behind her, "don't move!"

Her heart starts racing incessantly and she turned slowly to face them, and she cringed in horror looking at the thugs standing in front of her and rods at their sides.

"What do you want?" Her voice was shaking.

"For you to come with us!"

"I don't wanna." She shook her head.

"You better!" He demanded knitting his hands into a fist and he was approaching her. Bella was stepping backwards, and he suddenly grabbed her by her wrists and yank her towards the wall pressing her firmly on the wall. Her wrists were starting to ache and were getting sore as his stiff palms clutch them like potatoes and she howled unable to move her hands.

He stared down at her smooth lustrous neck and he wanted to stare further into her blouse he laid his hands on her dress pulling it and was almost ripping it to pieces when a loud gunshot echoed in the sky and he jolted feeling startled and turned from her and he looked at some armed police men grabbing the other thugs and a police officer pointing his gun at him.

"Freeze young man!" The police officer screamed, "you are under arrest, you better stay away from that lady."

Bella was breathing hard, and her heart was still racing, the thug edged slowly from her and the police officer slung a pair of handcuffs on his wrists. Bella was still trembling and tears were still flowing from her eyes and as the police men and the thugs depart towards the Police vehicle, she spot Juliet approaching.

"Aunt Juliet?" She was stunned.

Juliet approached her, and she touched her cheeks and arms checking for any slight bruises and she noticed several sores on her skin and her eyes drooped in anxiousness, "Bella are you okay?"

In a flash of seconds, Bella throw herself into Juliet's arms embracing her tightly, "thanks so much Juliet for coming here in time to rescue me. I thought I was gonna die and I won't ever be able to see my mum and dad. I felt all worst kinds of fear I could not breathe."

"It's alright, calm down.. Calm down." Juliet pat her lovingly on her back.

Bella sniffed audibly, "no you do not understand, I was all alone and I got so scared, and all I was seeing were those thugs everywhere and they were also holding weapons. I thought I was at their mercy, that it'll be the end but then you showed up along with the cops. You just saved my life. All my life, it has always been my mum protecting me and loving me but you also protect me from death."

"It's okay Bella. Let's go home." Juliet grasped her hand.

"Are you angry with me? I snuck out of the house though you warned me to, I disrespect you. Tell me, will you stop being kind to me because of that?"

"If I were still angry with you, I won't have gone out looking for you or alert the cops to rescue you."

"You were worried about me?" She arched a brow.

"Yea, because I was scared of anything happening to you and because, just in an instant, I lost my daughter Lisa and I couldn't do anything for her to protect her but I still have the chance to protect someone else like you."

"It's okay." Bella lay her comforting hand on her shoulder grinning at her.

It was 11:45pm when Bella and Juliet arrived home. Soon after Bella laid on her comfy bed, Juliet nursed all her bruises and served her a cup of simmering coffee and scrambled eggs.

A bunch of satiny pillows propped up in Bella's bed and she lean her back against them while gulping her scrambled eggs.

"Tell me, did you also prepare scrambled eggs for baby Lisa?"

"I wish. I was so happy when I gave birth to her, she was so tiny in my arms and I loved to hear her voice or watch her smiling like an angel. I was also planning to give her the best of life, to be the first to watch her little legs run or crawl, or hear her call me ma-ma, " tears started trickling on her face in streams, "but none of those dreams did come true. I wish I did not dream of a lot of things I wanna do with baby Lisa maybe it won't hurt this bad, I won't be so shattered and miserable."

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