Mia's operation

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A figure swayed before Juliet and she glanced at two masculine hands stretched to her baby. She looked above his hairy hands and she glimpsed his face. It was the doctor. Wondering why he is grabbing her baby from her arms, she sat up, "what are you doing?" She raised her brows questioningly.

The doctor swerved from her and he dropped the baby in a tiny crib. He turned to the nurses who stood across the room, "bring the baby to the incubator."

The nurses nodded. "Alright." A male nurse approached the crib and his stiff palms pulled the crib out of the room.

Juliet felt her heart racing as she completely loses sight of her baby. She wanted to hold baby Lisa one more time. She was already missing her sweet smell. "Give me my baby girl." Tears fled from Juliet's eyes.

"You're gonna be with her soon."

Although the doctor's voice was tender and he shot her a bright smile, Juliet did not feel relaxed. She spoke with a complaining voice, "I wanna be with her. Bring her back."

"Understand that your baby was born premature. She has to stay in the incubator for now."

Juliet was starting to get hysterical she yanked the doctor's stethoscope off his neck and flung it at the floor and she tossed at the floor any item she laid her hand on from the table beside her bed. "Bring me back my child!" She screamed so loud her mouth stretched so wide the doctor clearly saw the way down her lungs.

"Calm down."

"Why did you take her from me so quickly? Why did you let me spend just few minutes with my girl? I wanna be with her." She squealed amid tears.

"You're gonna. She is not yet fully healthy. Once she is, you're gonna be with her again."

"I wanna see her now. Bring me to her." Juliet said firmly.


Jansen arrived at the City Hospital with Mia and she was brought quickly to a ward. Nanny Macy accompanied Jansen and Mia to the hospital.

Mia's unconscious body lied wearily on the bed she is placed on.

Jansen paced by the door of her ward. Nanny Macy's heart was racing and Jansen pacing made her heart race even more. Jansen paused a bit and he glimpsed inside the ward through the glass door. He stared at Mia's dreary face and he felt a prick of pain in his chest. His hand trembled like a shaky leaf and he slowly dropped his hand from the door.

Staring at Mia's somber face once more felt like a dagger piercing into his chest and a flashabck of his conversation with Mia's doctor flashed through his mind.

"The tumor in her brain has worsened. She has to have an immediate operation to get rid of the tumor." The expression the doctor wore on his face, made Jansen feel nervous.

"But she's gonna be alright. Right doc?" Jansen raised his brows and he felt his heart pounding anticipating his reply will be, she will but his response to him, was, "She may not survive the operation. Her chances of surviving is only 30%."

"Are you saying she is not gonna make it?"

"It may take a miracle she survives the operation."

End of flashback.

Jansen did not expect Mia's illness to aggravate that badly. Jansen turned from the door of Mia's ward and he balled his fingers into a fist, "I hope Mia pulls through. I don't wanna hold on to the thought that she may not survive her operation."

"All Mia's life, all she did was love you and she did so unconditionally. Heck, she forgave you. I can't believe you hurt her so much." Macy cast a cold stare at Jansen.

Staring straight into her angry eyes felt like a dagger piercing into his chest. Jansen felt a prick of guilt, "I didn't mean to hurt Mia. I did not intentionally wanna fall for Juliet either."

"But Mia got hurt by your betrayal!" Macy yelped at him, "if she doesn't survive this, I'm not gonna forgive you. I will even take Bella from you. You do not deserve to be around Mia or her daughter."

Jansen bowed his head and he donned a pitiable look, "nanny don't..." He spoke with a pleading voice.

"Just leave my sight. I don't wanna see you. And you do not deserve to look at Mia anymore."

"Nanny, she's my wife." Jansen argued.

"Well, you should've thought of that before frolicking with Juliet. Your actions really broke my girl. Now, she's laying on her ill bed."

"Forgive me nanny. I know I've not been quite the best husband to Mia but do not cast me away from my daughter. Don't try to take Bella from me." Jansen pleaded amid tears.

"Just leave!" Her eyes bulged in rage. They were like a bomb that will explode.

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