The Return of Mia Part 14

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12:24 in the afternoon. Mia arrived her villa. She drove her car towards the parking lot and she stepped down and slammed the door. Mia stood staring at the edifice of the villa and she wore a stern look. "I am no longer the same Mia. Mia is dead. I am a new person now. The one that has come to make everyone pay." She clenched her fists firmly.

Jansen stood in the middle of the sitting room dialling Juliet's number, Juliet kept rejecting his calls and he thought of sending her a voice message.

Mia strode through the large hallway that flows towards the entrances to the sitting room and she pushed the doors open and stepped in. She glanced at Jansen and her lips curled into a smile. She was attempting to approach him and she halted listening to him.

"Juliet my love, I really missed you. Let's talk. I wanna see you. Let's go out to a beach and recall all the good memories we built together." Tears were forming in His eyes.

Mia trembled and tears spurted from her eyes. She felt so weak and dizzy she moved unsteadily and she almost tripped. Jansen listened to her pair of heels purring as they pulled on the floor and he swerved slowly his eyes expanded astonished specking Mia.

"Mia?" He arched his brows.

"Jansen.." Mia wore a fake grin and she kneaded her wet jowls.

Jansen hurried over to her and pulled her into a hug. He kissed her on her hair and he leaned in, his neck stretching to hers, he moved his lips nearer to hers and she moved backwards. Jansen's face was puzzled glancing at her shifting her face from his, "hon? What's wrong?"

"It's me. I have bad breath. I had plantains before coming here and you dislike the smell and taste of plantains."

Jansen chuckled, "you still remember?"

Mia stroked his cheek looking into his eyes, "I have every detail of you edged in my mind. I do not forget. That's how much I love you." She smiled wildly her incisors were divulging.

"Where have you been? I couldn't relax wondering where you are."

"I travelled to Paris. I wanted to shop for my sister's birthday party arriving this weekend."

Jansen stretched his hands towards Mia's waist, he laid his hands on her waist, "why didn't you tell me that you are travelling?"

Mia gently pulled his hands from her waist. Jansen was taken aback and he got quite anxious. Mia noticed and she nuzzled his chin, "hon I'm not feeling well okay? Don't hold me that way."

"You won't even let me touch you? What if I wanna hug you? You disappeared for two days. Have you any idea how much I've missed you? How scared I was?"

"I haven't been spending time with my sister ever since she arrived New York so I wanted to throw her a fancy birthday party. I tried to call but my phone was not having any reception."

"Okay hon. Since it's almost time for lunch, I wanna cook you your favorite meal Beef burgers and salted tuna. So all I need you to do, " Jansen pulled her to the sofa and he sat her down, "is to sit and relax while I prepare your meal." He grinned from ear to ear. He pecked her on her left jowl and she glanced at him striding out of the room.

Mia sighed feeling flabbergasted that he still knows her favorite meal and she recollects the moments he took her out to restaurants that serve salted tuna and beef burgers when they were dating. Mia jolted from her thoughts and she muttered, "Jansen is cooking for me for the first time. He isn't leaving me to go anywhere. Did he really mean it when he says he misses me?"

She broke from her thoughts and shook her head, "no, " tears threatened to obscure her vision, "I must not get distracted. I must not feel anything for Jansen. I have to make him pay and experience hell." She clenched her fists and kneaded her jowls.

Mia sprang to her feet and she advanced towards her bedroom clasping her huge brown leather handbag. She strode into the room and Jansen's words were echoing in her mind, "Juliet my love, I really missed you. Let's talk. I wanna see you. Let's go out to a beach and recall all the good memories we built together."

She broke out of her thoughts and she hurled her handbag at the wall. Her face contorted in rage and she screeched. She grasped any chairs she spotted hurling it at the ground and she grasped a huge vase standing on the glass table and hurled it at the wall it smashed horribly emitting a squeaking noise.

Tears spurted from her eyes, she approached the window staring outside and staring into space. Nanny Macy arrived at the room from the kitchen hauling a tray with a plate of beefburgers and salted tuna sitting on it. Jansen handed the tray to Macy and asked her to serve it to Mia.

Macy's eyes widened awestruck spotting the chairs and tables toppled. She glanced down specking shards and pieces of the vase splattered on the marble floor and she looked up glancing at Mia besides the window. Macy felt anxious noticing tears flowing on her jowls and she gently dropped the tray on the table and waddled to her. She tapped her on her arm and she shook feeling startled.

Mia turned facing her, "nanny?" She sniffed.

"Why all this mess? What happened here?" Macy raised her brows.

Mia was too hurt to speak her lips faltered. Macy noticed her holding back the tears welling in her eyes and she stroked her jowl, "dear you can tell me anything. When Jansen told me you've come home I couldn't wait to see you. Isabella missed you badly. Tell me what's wrong. Did anything happen to you while in Paris? Why're you so sad?"

"Jansen is having an affair and it's with my sister Juliet. How could he nanny disrespect me?"

Macy gasped. She was dumbfounded, "how're you so sure about all this?"

"I saw them together nanny and he looked so happy in her arms. I had not seen him that happy in a long while."

"Dear I'm sorry. I want you to forgive Jansen and pretend that you are oblivious about their affair. Don't seek to divorce him. Any wrong action or move you take against Jansen can hurt your daughter Isabella. She won't take it if she sees the two of you picking fights or seperating."

"How is it my fault if Isabella's gonna feel hurt by what I'll do?" Mia screeched, "if she feels hurt it will be all Jansen's fault. And if she do not feel she can bear seeing I and Jansen at odds she will have no choice but to be tough as I have toughened my heart."

Mia paced a bit and she paused, "don't I deserve to be happy? To get back at those traitors? They aren't the ones who will be affected by anything by their actions but me and my daughter and I should let them get away with hurting the two of us? They have no right to be happy or to have any piece of mind." She screeched, "they are gonna pay for each tear I shed because of them." She clenched her fists and sniffed.

"Please take it easy. Do not anull your marriage."

"I don't wanna nanny. I am not willing to let go of Jansen so Juliet can have him. But each time I recall how excited he was around Juliet I feel weak to fight for my marriage and I'm sick of my head telling me that he doesn't loves me but Juliet. I feel insulted and furious that he prefers Juliet to me his wife and that he has forsaken all I did for him all because of her. That I no longer matter. Even though I've been away it's Juliet he longs for, it's Juliet he wanna be with. He doesn't care if I am here or home. I wonder if I didn't come back will it matter to him? Will he look for me? He's so obsessed with Juliet. I am his wife he should only be thinking about me and no other woman."

Macy advanced to her and she pulled her into a hug patting her on her back lovingly. Mia gnashed her jaw, "I will make the two of them sorry. I will inflict them memories they will never forget."

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