Juliet and Brad

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Juliet edged away from Brad, she walked to the middle of the room and paused with her hands folded across her chest and she stared blankly. She was reflecting on her conversation with Jansen the other night. He had told her with a soft voice he misses her dearly and wants to be with her but she had seen him embracing Mia lovingly through his large window and smooching her lips affectionately like they were candies. Juliet often lurked around Jansen's mansion, but she was never spotted. She always sat in her car which she parked by the gate and she never stepped out.

She always drove to Jansen's mansion and stare at his window to see him. Jansen's window was extremely vast it can easily pass for a door. The glass window was so clear like crystal it was easier to look at the objects in the room. One afternoon, Juliet had sat outside in her car staring inside Jansen's window. He had stepped out of the shower with a fuzzy towel draped around his waist. He stood in the middle of his room but Juliet could clearly see him. She watched him as he stroke his body creaming himself. His bulging chest made her feel entranced, and his curly hair and flawless cheeks made him look like a cute baby.

Her eyes did not go off him till he wore his shirt. His shirt was loosed, and his chest was disclosed. When he was wearing his shirt, he moved quite close to the window as if he knew he was being watched. Juliet saw him more clearly, she observed every slight movements he made. Also, the rays of the sparkling sun gleaming his chest made her eyes flicker with excitement! She started to reminisce of when they were dating as a couple.

The cool mornings she strode into the room clasping a mug of steaming coffee and glimpsing him standing by the window with a towel draped around his waist. Her walking towards him and wrapping her arms around his waist.

Smiles tilted the corners of Juliet's lips when she reflected on such moments. She clasped the steering and wanted to drive away but she couldn't stop gazing at Jansen. His huge arms were now leaning on the window. When his arms curved, his muscles stood out like giant rocks and Juliet felt entranced by them.

Was Jansen drunk when he said to her he misses her a lot? Or was he being honest when he said he misses her? She thought and she reflected on the night she stared into his sullen eyes. When she stared into them, they reflected sadness and loneliness. Could Jansen had missed her even though he had Mia besides him? Now, she was confused and an image of him pulling her into a hug lastnight embracing her lovingly and pecking her lovingly flashed through her mind.

Brad had been staring at Juliet cogitating. He was wondering what was racing through her mind. Could it be Jansen? He thought. He had always seen her standing in one spot for several minutes and her face lowered and her cheeks pale and whenever he approached her, she quickly walks away from him and asked to be alone.

Brad walked to her, he knew she was reflecting on Jansen and he moved close to her. He wrapped his arms around her he did not care if she will pull him off her or push him aside, like she always do. He did not move from her. He liked Juliet a lot eversince he learned from his staffs when he returned to New York City and arrived at the mansion, that she had been the nurse taking care of his Father, till he passed on.

When Brad was mourning, he usually drank a lot of liquor, he always returned home a drunk man. Juliet always picked him up from the floor he dropped unconsciously or off the sofa in the living room and she would lay him on his comfortable bed. She always prepared him breakfasts and lunch so he doesn't get addicted to drinking liquor. Juliet was an excellent cook! The meals she prepared were always tasty Brad munched the dishes she served him.

Brad was slowly recovering from his drunk, and sad self. He stopped frequenting at bars, sulking in his bedroom each afternoons and nights. He had always felt a prick of guilt that he did not spend more time with Frederick before he passed on. Juliet was always there to calm him down sometimes he wept on her laps or on her arms. She always consoled him till he got better!

Juliet was slowly pulling Brad's arms off her waist, and he gripped her more firmly rendering her unable to move. "Just let me hug you Juliet I know you need one. It's Jansen. Am I right? You two finally talked."

"Let go of me Brad I'm fine." She argued.

Brad's arms were still wrapped around her, "no I'm not gonna. I know you ain't alright. You always comforted me when I was mourning my dad. Did I ever push you away?"

Juliet was silent.

"No. So, I'm not gonna walk away from ya. I hate to see you sad, or a drop of tear on your face."

"I'm being serious Brad." The weak sombre face Juliet was wearing turned radiant, "I'm alright. I'm not sad."

Brad slowly moved from her arms she could no longer feel his arms on her.

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