Untitled Part 33

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1:35pm that same day. Mia arrived at Juliet's apartment. Mia's pair of heels clacked on the marble floor as she strides into the sitting room. The sound of her footsteps flowed to Juliet's ears she stepped out of the kitchen and dropped the cabbage she was chopping.

She approaches the sitting room expecting it to be Hailey. Striding across the sitting room, she pauses aghast glancing at Mia and her heart starts to race. Mia turned from the spot she stood and her eyes grew wide in stupefaction catching glimpse of Juliet's puffed tummy.

"Juliet, " she advanced to her, "you're pregnant?"

"Mia..." Juliet was too nervous to speak.

Mia stared closely at Juliet's stomach and she felt a surge of weakness gripping her she got dizzy, "you're pregnant. Tell me, " now, Mia's eyes were furrowed like a sharp arrow, "is Jansen the father?"

Juliet bowed her head hesitating to speak.

"Is he the father?" Mia roared at her and she flinched. "Speak up Juliet!" She screamed so close to her face.

"Ye-yes he is." Juliet's voice trembled.

Rage pounded in Mia like a drumbeat, "you tramp!" She hurled a harsh slap at Juliet's cheek. It was so hard her ponytail got loosed and her cheek turned red like tomato. Juliet stroke her burning cheek.

"Mia, I'm sorry." Juliet's voice cracked.

"You're so shameless, you're a horrible sister. Like it isn't painful enough you had an affair with Jansen, you got pregnant for him? I'm sure you got pregnant for him on purpose so he will come to you and leave me for good. You're a horrible sister!" Mia's voice pierced Juliet's ears. Her voice was audible as thunder.

"I didn't get pregnant for Jansen on purpose."

"Liar! You know what you deserve? You deserve to burn in hell and I'm gonna take you to one, let's bet on it."

"What do you want from me? Hun?" Juliet yelped at her, "you can be mad at me for having a baby for Jansen, but I love my baby."

"You shameless traitor. How dare you say that to me? You're indeed a tramp." Mia screeched and grabbed Juliet's hair yanking it so harshly Juliet felt her scalp burning in pain.

"Stop it Mia. You're hurting me." Juliet struggled to pull her hair from Mia's grip. Mia scratched her ears with her nails and kept hurling hot slaps at Juliet's face. Juliet couldn't stand properly anymore she weakly plopped to the floor and she smacked her waist.

"Aw..!" Juliet let out an audible groan. A stream of crimson blood flowed on her smooth thighs and was dripping on the floor.

"I'm not done with you." Mia hurried over to her and she grabbed her hair yanking it so hard. "Stop...stop it Mia, let go.." Juliet whimpered.

Hailey arrived. After parking her car at the parking lot, she strode to the entrances. She gently pushed the doors open and she stepped in. Her eyes bulged in astonishment spotting Juliet getting devoured and she scampered to her.

"Hey, let go of Juliet!" Hailey grabbed Mia's waist and pulled her off her. Mia still tried to move nearer to Juliet and Hailey kept pulling her backwards.

"Let go of me!" Mia pulled Hailey's arms off her. She grasped her purse and turned to Juliet, "you're gonna pay for this. I will make you pay." She said firmly and strode outside the doors.

Hailey ran towards Juliet and she knelt besides her, "are you alright?" She touched her arm and she noticed her thighs covered in blood, her heart raced.

"It hurts Hailey, " Juliet tossed, "my stomach hurts alot."

Mia arrived at Mark's villa. Mark was decked up in an orange sleeves shirt and a pair of black jeans. He was stepping outside the house and he felt astonished spotting Mia seated in his porch. She was bowing cogitating.


His deep basslike voice rip her away from her thoughts. She slowly lifted her head and looked up at him, "Mark?"

Mark specked her face covered in tears. Tears glistened her cheeks. He felt anxious and he ambled to her. He sat besides her, "Mia you're okay?" He touched her chin and she slowly turned her head to him.

"Mark..." She was too hurt to speak and she snuggled Mark. She leaned her cheek on his chest, and her tears drizzled on his shirt.

Mark slowly pulled her from his arms. He held her cheeks and stared straight into her eyes, "what's wrong?"

"You were right when you warned me to stay away from Jansen. I just found out Juliet is pregnant for him. It hurts to know I gave him my all and he threw it all for Juliet. I feel so stupid and naive."

"Don't be hard on yourself."

"Why shouldn't I when he keeps making a fool of me? I thought that since he chose to be with me and not Juliet, he is all mine. I didn't expect that Juliet has him too. That bastard didn't love me, he doesn't love me. It hurts realizing it now." Mia's voice cracked as she spoke.

Mark kneaded her cheeks with his thumbs, "it's alright."

"I gave him my life and I don't care if I lose it."

"What're you talking about?" Mark's face got puzzled.

"I'm gonna undergo the surgery. I don't care anymore if it fails and I end up dead on the hospital bed."

"You're gonna survive the surgery. Even if you don't wanna, think of me who loves you cause I still wanna see you. Think of your daughter. Are we not worth living for?" Tears formed in his eyes. He held her hands lovingly.

"That's the reason I'm taking the huge risk to undergo the surgery so I'll have more time to spend with you guys."

Mark's lips curled into a smile and he pulled Mia into a hug. Mia stroke his arms and she firmly said in her thoughts, "and I have to stay alive so I can make Juliet pay. I won't let her get away with what she's done." She gnashed her jaw.

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