Wintry Night Untitled Part 5

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"Hey!" Screeched one of the thugs, "get back here!" He gnashed his jaw and yanked his dagger from his pocket and he grasped it.

Juliet sighed and she halted like a log of wood. She stroked her elbows panicking, "oh my gosh, what am I gonna do? Should I run or should I not? But they have already seen me if I keep running they can gun me down."

Mia strutted in front of the large lengthy mirror in her bedroom staring at her reflection pressing a ruddy lipstick on her lips, she glanced at the dazzling wig on her head and her lips curled into a smile. "Oh, Jansen's gonna love this." She bit her lower lip, stroked her hips and stared at the red short gown hugging her body firmly. She stretched her hand towards her perfume standing on the table, it was small and spherical in shape and she poured some spray on her dress. It smelled like a mixture of vanilla and strawberries.

It is 30th April, her wedding anniversary with Jansen. She has been feeling excited all day to fix a date with Jansen in the mansion she purposely picked that enticing dress. Mia stepped out of the room and she approached the sitting room. She paused across the room staring at the butlers standing besides the dining table.

The table is an European model and it was lengthy. It was covered with a white table cloth. It was strategically set by the butlers as if the Queen of England were to be expected. Mia approached the table and she grinned from ear to ear staring at the red flowers with silver sparkles that adorn the tables to add a final touch.The lights are dimmed low and classical music plays in the background to create a placid atmosphere. A savory aroma fills the room and mist oozing from the bowls of meal hover in the air.

A butler glanced at Mia advancing towards a seat and he grasped a bottle of liquor by the bottom and erected it towards a glossy glass cup, "ms should I pour you a glass?" He stared at her and he observed her shaking her head, "not yet, " she replied, "I wanna wait for Jansen."

"Alright." The butler dropped the bottle on the table gently. In the middle of the table, many glossy bottles of liquor strutted and the brightness of the glowing chandelier was reflecting on them. The butlers stepped away from the table.

Juliet's face was puzzled pondering what else to do at this point? "let me dial Jansen." She slid her hand inside her jacket, yanked her phone from her pocket and she glanced over her shoulders specking the goons trotting towards her. One of them hoisted his dagger above his head attempting to hurl it at her she twitched and she darted terrified as though she's seen a ghost. The dagger rolled in the air moving in fast pace approaching her she breathed hard and her heart was racing fast. Juliet suddenly halted, she glanced left and right trying to see clearly she was bewildered on where to trudge on as the mist and darkness made the path and bypath difficult. It looked as if a complete black out were there for days together. The dagger nearly landed directly in her back but she fell on the solid ground as she fumbled for her next step and it ended up plunging into a pole. She rose quickly to her feet her pair of shoes pulled off from them and she continued darting. The cool ice beneath her feet was piercing her feet. Strands of her jet-black hair was hopping as she scurries and it crumples. She felt the cool wind blowing against her body. She gave a low moan of despair.

"Get back here!" Screeched the goons, their feet kicked a ton of disposed bottles lying on the ground as they were scampering.

The bottles jabbed eachother and it emitted a boisterous noise which banged in Juliet's ears she howled wrapping her hands on her ears. Her hands were quivering and tears spurted from them flowing towards her chin. The goons pointed their lengthy torchlights at her and radiant rays of lights gleaming from their torch reflected on her.

Juliet tapped her phone screen and she typed a text message to Jansen, "help Jansen! I'm being chased by thugs I'm at Havelock street." Almost immediately when she finished typing the message, she heard a deep stiff voice behind her, "Hey!"

"Oh my God!" Could it be them? She pondered and she unhurriedly swerved she twitched feeling startled staring at them in front of her. She specked one of them sliding his hand inside his jacket and pulling out a dagger and he gnashed his jaw. Juliet's eyes expanded, shivers ran through her spines staring at the dagger and she moved backwards slowly her foot stepped on a banana peel, it pulled her foot backwards as if she's being pulled by gravity and she moved unsteadily. Her phone dropped to the ground as she plops to the ground.

"Aw!" She let out a loud groan as she grazed her elbow harshly on the rough ground.

Jansen was crouching in his chair in his office. His chair is Captain style on wheels with leather seat and back. Jansen leaned way back in the chair and cranked his neck hard over, he could see the sky from the office window, hazy-blue and cloudless and so smoggy.

Inside, the office was small and cold. Four cubicles shared an empty common area. The carpet was sea green. There was one window, vertical, narrow and fortified with chicken wire. Jansen sat up and he glanced at the bouquet of red roses lying on his desk. It was wrapped with a luminous white leather on the sides.

Jansen rose to his feet and he leaned the bouquet towards his face, the fragrant scent oozing out flowed into his nostrils and he grinned from ear to ear, "Mia's gonna love it." He purchased the bouquet since forenoon to present it to Mia during their anniversary dinner tonight.

Suddenly, a broad image of him grasping Juliet in his huge arms and kissing her lips affectionately flashed through his mind and he giggled. He glanced at the bouquet and hurled it harshly on his desk and sighed stroking his hair, "I want you Juliet, I wanna be with you." He closed his eyes and images of him and Juliet making love flashed through his mind in quick succession concession. He broke out of his thoughts and groaned, "why can I not forget you? It was only a one night stand. I should've forgotten all about you but I'm missing you so much."

He envisaged her lips rubbing his and he stroked his lips and recalling the fluffiness of her lips made it feel quite real. The boisterous beep in his phone banged in his ears and he pulled his phone from his jacket and glanced at the screen. Juliet's text message popped on the screen and he read her messages his brows furrowed sensing that Juliet's life could be in danger. 

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