At the Cafe

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It was drizzling outside Charis Cafe in the frosty night. The cafe room was filled up with several people, hums filled the air, and waitresses were walking to tables with trays serving the customers. Charis Cafe serves the best coffee in Town, and Juliet was one of the waitresses of the Cafe.

"A young man just arrived, he has been sitting there. Go see what he wants." The manager, a tall and well-built man wearing white glasses said to Juliet.

When she got to his table, she tapped him on his arm as he was leaning his head on the table, "mister...mister..."

He slowly raised his head off the table, and Juliet was extremely stunned that the man she is attending to is Jansen. So many thoughts started racing through her mind, 'why is he here?' 'how did he know I work here?' 'how did he find me?'

Jansen was feeling excitement in his heart seeing Juliet after a long time but his eyes seemed sullen and sad because he badly misses her. Moments ago when Jansen was brought to a hospital, he did not wait to be discharged when Lily told him where to find Juliet. He quickly boarded a cab, and drove ten miles to Charis Bar downtown.

Juliet hissed in frustration, she turned from his table and was almost walking away, and he quickly held her hand. She halted and turned facing him.

"Let go of me." She pulled her hand from his.

"Why did you leave? You just disappeared without a clue. I got crazy wondering where you were, and all I kept thinking of the whole time you left me was to be with you, to find you."

"I left because it was the right thing to do since you are my sister's husband."

"And me? Didn't you think about me for a second before leaving me for good? You didn't even let me decide, you just made all the decisions and I never saw you again." He spoke in an angry tone, he tried  to hold her hand and she pulled it away with force.

"Let go! You should be with my sister, not me."

"Is that it? Is that all you can say to me after seeing in weeks? Don't you wish to hold me? Tell me you miss me? Don't you miss me?"

"It's not easy loving you." Juliet looked over her shoulder and she saw the Cafe Manager staring at her with alot of intrigue wondering what they are discussing about. She felt jittery by his staring, and she tried to walk away. Jansen quickly stood up from his seat, and stood in front of her. She tried to turn to her left and to her right but he kept blocking her. Soon she gave up, she groaned.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to come with me."

"I don't want to."

"Don't make things hard for yourself, " his hand slide around her back wrapping her in his arm, and their face was quite near Juliet stared straight into his almond green eyes while he stared into hers, "I have found you and I'm not letting you go."

"There is nothing you can do to take me with you."

"Oh really. Try to resist from me, try to." He said firmly holding her in his arms.

"Let go Jansen, " she frowned at him, "you're really testing my patience aren't you?" She tried to pull herself from his arms but his grip was really tight, and he warned her, "try harder to resist and you will be left with no choice but to come with me."

"Who do you think you are? My Boss? There's nothing you can do to make me come with you."

Jansen noticed her struggling from his firm arms, and her becoming stressed and pale, and he released her from his arms.

"I'm gonna leave. You should too."
She turned from him walking away and was almost heading to the kitchen, and he suddenly grabbed her in his arms. He carried her off the floor in a sweeping motion and she was taken aback she screamed, "let me go! Let go!" She was restless in his arms, she was throwing her feet into the air struggling to free herself from him, but his arms were extremely strong.

The customers in the cafe room looked at Juliet in anxiousness wondering if he is a kidnapper, the Cafe Manager was almost calling the security agency when Jansen screamed, "don't be worried everybody, this woman here is my wife and I'm her husband. So I'm just taking her with me."

"Put me down! Put me down!" Juliet screamed still struggling to free herself.

A customer rose up from his seat and turned to them and asks in curiousness, "but why doesn't she willingly want to go with you?"

"Exactly!" Others in the room murmured, and the Manager was staring at them looking puzzled.

"That's how we often act when we want to go out together. She loves it when I carry her in my arms before exiting the room." Jansen said grinning, and when he stared down at Juliet's face, he noticed her face contorting in rage. She slapped him so hard on his arm, "you psychopath."

"We have to go. We wanna have a Couple's hang out." He turned from everyone proceeding to the exit.

"Let me go Jansen." She yanked his shirt with aggressiveness trying so hard to free herself from his arms and he pressed his mouth onto hers kissing her so she stops talking.
"Be calm Juliet."

She was blown away by his affectionate kiss, for some minutes she stayed calm and was staring into his eyes in happiness they have not kissed in a long while. His lips were very firm and sensual like always.
He marched outside the Cafe with her, and he slid her into the backseat of his car. He quickly shut the door and he drove off.

The wind was becoming whirl and fierce. It hadn't stopped raining. Mia was walking through a plight of stairs heading to her bedroom downstairs and a lot of thoughts of her and Jansen was racing through her mind, she wasn't carefully watching the stairs, her foot slipped. She instantly fell on the stairs, and tossed like a ball smacking her body till she stopped on a smooth surface. The hits on her body was so hard, and painful she quickly passed out.

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