Untitled Part 30 (2)

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It breathed a frenzied dawning.The glinting rays of sunlight flowing from the windows poured on Mia's face, it was causing her to stir on the bed. She slowly opened her eyes and she glanced at Jansen standing by the mirror decked in a blue suit.

"Hon." Mia raised herself to a sitting position.

Listening to her voice, Jansen turned and looked at her. Her pale and dreary face made him anxious. The corners of her eyes has gotten darker and her cheeks more slim. He walked toward Mia. He leaned over and pecked her on her cheek, "hon, how are you doing?"

"Hon, can you stay besides me?" Mia's voice trembled.

"Hon, I gotta leave to the office."

"Hon, " Mia gripped his arm and she pulled him closer, "please stay hon. Else I won't have breakfast or my drugs."

"Hon don't say that."

"Then stay with me. Don't leave please." Mia leaned on his chest and was stroking his arm.

"Alright, I'm not gonna leave. I'll stay home with you."

Mia's lips curled into a smile.

It was 2:09pm.

The beautiful cocktail-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey. Large pillows of cloud were forming, blotting out the old-gold colour of the sun. Juliet was stepping outside a grocery store clamping bags of groceries. She got the first splatter of rain when she was halfway across the sidewalk. The breeze flowing wrapped her like a scarf she shivered a bit.

Jansen was driving up the street Juliet was. Mia was seated with him in the front seat. They were heading home from a beach. Jansen took Mia out with him to the beach so she can glance at the lovely waves of the ocean. Mia had a great time!

Jansen and Mia caught sight of Juliet at the sidewalk through the windscreen. Jansen slowly halts driving and he stared at her dreary and tired face. He observed her smooth cheeks and gorgeous eyes and an image of her and him cuddling each other, flash through his mind.

Mia's eyes furrowed noticing Jansen staring intently at Juliet.

Juliet tried walk up the street, the bags were really heavy she can feel her muscles aching and she dropped the bags down and let out an audible sigh.

Jansen felt quite anxious seeing how depleted she is he wanted to assist her pick her bags and he clutched the door knob. He was almost pulling the door open and Mia cast a tight scowl at him, "where're you going?"

"I...I was..I.." Jansen stuttered and he moved his hand from the doorknob.

"Did you wanna go to Juliet?"

"Come on, she is all alone and it's raining. Shouldn't we help her out?"

"How does it matter? You really can't wait to be with your mistress can you?"

"What?" Jansen's brows knitted and he sat back.

Juliet stood quite close to the road waving her hand trying to flag down a taxi. She was getting drenched slowly. Her hair was turning wet. Juliet noticed Jansen's car parked quite near her and she ambled to it.

"Mister, can you give me a ride home?" Juliet's eyes grew wide in startlement spotting Jansen and Mia seated in the car. Mia shot a cold stare at her and she edged away from the car.

Jansen stared deeply into Juliet's eyes. Juliet stared into his. His eyeballs reflected pity toward her. He wanted to pull his jacket and wear it on her so she'll stop quivering.

"Let's go!" Mia's voice shrieked Jansen's ears and he got nervous. He started the car. He slowly shifted his gaze from Juliet and swerved his car from Juliet. Juliet stared at his car driving past her. Tears escaped her eyes and she clutched her chest. She felt as if her heart is being pricked by a thorn she felt a lump in her throat.

"Stop feeling bad Juliet, " Juliet slapped her cheek hard, "stop missing Jansen. Don't think of him, don't!" She screamed at herself and she kept slapping her cheeks. The sultry wind violently tossed the rain about, the drops felt as sparkly and effervescent as champagne bubbles as they hit her skin.

Finally! A taxi parks in front of her and she walked wearily to the taxi.

It clocked 4:04 in the afternoon. Hailey arrived at Juliet's apartment. She came to take Juliet to the gynaecologist so she will have an antenatal care. She is already in her trimester in her pregnancy.

The doors were wide open and Hailey strode in. Hailey glimpsed a bowl of fruits seated on a glass table in front of Juliet who crouched on a sofa. Juliet sliced a lot of fruits and she did not take a bite.

She was staring into space cogitating. Hailey's footsteps echoing in her ears ripped her away from her thoughts. She lifted her head and looked up at her, "hi Hailey."

"You're not dressed Juliet. Why aren't you? Don't you wanna go see your gynaecologist?" Hailey raised her brows.

"Of course I do." Juliet patted her round tummy, "nothing's more important than my baby."

"Then why aren't you dressed yet?"

"I saw them today."

"Saw who?"

"Mia and Jansen. It hurt seeing them together. I know I shouldn't even be bothered 'bout it but I felt bad. I thought staying away from Jansen for good is gonna help me forget 'bout him but I only miss him more. Seeing him again, made me wanna be with him but I know it'll be wrong." Tears formed in Juliet's eyes.

"If you still love Jansen, why don't you fight for him?"

"Mia is his legal wife and I'm...." Juliet pauses.

"The mistress?"

"I can't have Jansen no matter what. I already caused enough damage. It's best I keep my distance for good."

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