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Fifty five minutes after, Bella was standing outside at the porch folding her arms and staring blankly. Nanny Macy approached her, and she felt quite anxious seeing her face soaking wet with tears. She placed her comforting hands on her shoulder, "what's wrong?"

"it's Aunt Juliet."

"tell me, what happened to her? Is she okay now? Is that the reason you're disconsolate?"

Bella was about to speak, "she is..." and she got interrupted by Mia's loud footsteps. She turned facing her.

"I've been looking for you." Mia approached her.

She came close to her, and she held her hand, "come with me, let's go have dinner."

"no mum, " Bella pulled her hand away and she shook her head, "I don't want to eat, I don't have appetite."

"I made you your favorite food, " she was grinning from ear to ear, "pasta and beef stew."

"well I said i'm not hungry mum, " Bella narrowed her eyes at her, "because of you, Aunt Juliet is in a critical condition, why did you have to hit her? What if she doesn't make it? You haven't even gone to check on her. It doesn't matter to you what you've done?"

"Matter to me what i've done? I do not give a damn about Juliet, that tramp. It's because of her you do not want to have dinner with me? When did that b*tch start to become so important to you? Don't you remember, " her voice starts to crack, "don't you remember what she did to me? How can you still side with her? You're my daughter, not that tramp's daughter so you should always be on my side."

"don't you miss me?" tears began streaming from her eyes, "don't you want to spend time with me?"

"not now mum. Right now, i'm worried about Aunt Juliet, and I have to take care of her just the way she took good care of me  the times I was sick. I cannot let her down mum please understand she needs me."

"how can you still care about her when she hurt me, mom?"

"that doesn't mean you can hurt her. I don't want you to hurt Aunt Juliet anylonger just because you are angry with her. This time you attacked her, what next are you going to do to her? You'll do something drastic? I don't want Aunt Juliet to be in a bad condition again because of you mum so control your anger."

"how can I when she won't stop flirting with your Dad? Why can't you see she's ruining our family? That she is a bad person? Those two are always trying to break me, and it hurts so bad seeing them together. Tell me, teach me how to control myself when I can't fight the pain of their illicit affair?"

"that still doesn't give you the privilege to hurt and attack Aunt Juliet whenever you're upset. Her life can be in danger again because of you, that's why I want you to control your anger."

"But I can't..the pain is too unbearable. And I suffer a lot when I can't do anything to fight back. What you are asking of me, is hard and I won't stop myself from assaulting her again when next I see her frolicking with my husband." Mia said firmly.

"mum don't you realize, or see that your anger is turning you into a fierce and ruthless person? The mum I knew was always the sweetest, the kindest and the loveliest and you do not hurt people, but you have changed so much mum."

"Bella, it's still me..your mum. I'm the same person. Do not hate me too."

"mum you just attacked someone yet you feel no guilt or remorse, I'm starting to feel that I do not know you anylonger. I don't want you to become a bad person because of your hatred towards Aunt Juliet. Just stop fighting her before you start to become bad."

"but I can't control how I feel when I get hurt. Seeing your Dad and her together kills me inside, and this feud we have will not stop until Juliet stays away from our lives." Mia said firmly.

"how do you feel?" Jansen was sitting close to Juliet on her bed. After the Doctor attended to her, she stopped convulsing, she drank some drugs and she fell asleep shortly after. Jansen stayed with her in her bedroom until she finally woke up.

Jansen's eyes were gleaming with excitement seeing her eyes wide open. Strands of her hair flew on her face, and he flipped her hair to stare at her closely. Her lips appeared parched, and her cheeks were extremely pale.

"wa..ter...water." she was mumbling.
He quickly grabbed a jug of water off the table and was pouring her a glass. She raised herself to a sitting position, and supped the water through pursed lips.

"feeling okay now?"

She sighed and leaned her back on some fluffy pillows.

"Feeling hungry? I could make you something to eat."

"awww...!" she moaned loudly patting her head, "my head hurts so bad."

"just lay back and rest."

"o-okay." she sank into her bed, and grabbed Jansen's hand lovingly, "please hold me, hold me tightly. I can't bear the pain."

"alright." he came closer to her embracing her, and her hands wrapped around his back, "i'm sorry that you got attacked because of me. If it weren't for me, Mia won't have attacked you."

"well, she had all rights to be angry at me. I'm the mistress and she's the legal wife and even if I want you to stay with me, and be by my side, I know it's wrong."

"but, I love you, and I love being besides you."

"but, i'm not your wife, you are not mine. We love each other, yet we do not belong to each other. I think this love we feel is a mistake since we cannot be together."

"well, you do not have to feel afraid anymore cause I'm going to file for a divorce from Mia and be yours. Then no one can stop us from loving each other, and being together." he pecked her lovingly on her cheeks.

I am sorry dear readers for posting so late, I hope you find the episode interesting.

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