Jansen and Juliet

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Mia was cogitating her conversation with Jansen. She turned her pale cheek to the side staring outside the window and glimpsed a bird flying across the sea-blue sky. Its wings were small and its feet tiny. Mia was stuck in her thoughts she barely noticed the bird waving its wings. She barely even blinked. She folded her arms till they became stiffened. Nanny Macy observed Mia's brows slowly bulging and her cheeks reddening. Her contorted face looked like a red tomato about to explode. She listened to a calm and tender voice which ripped her from her reflections.

"Mia are you okay?" Macy raised her brows, "you're getting pale."

Mia shifted her gaze from the window to her, "I'm not okay!" Mia replied sharply, "nothing's gonna be okay as long as Juliet's still by!" She screeched like thunder Macy glimpsed the lane of her mouth and clearly saw her dentition. She slightly flinched as if a scorpion pricked her skin. She has always seen Mia outraged but not this fierce.

"What is wrong this time? What is going on in her mind?" Talking to herself, Macy tried to advance her steps to her but Mia's roaring voice was still echoing in her mind and she remained at the spot she was.


Juliet sat besides baby Lisa's incubator in her wheelchair. She inserted her hand inside baby Lisa's incubator and grabbed her tiny fist. A surge of gladness filled her whole being holding her daughter's hand for the first time. Staring at her round cheeks, she felt urged to peck them and kiss her hair. It looked jet black and formed curls round her head.

"How are you?"

It was the deep bass-like voice again. Juliet sensed it was him, Jansen and she shifted her gaze to him. She glimpsed a cup of coffee in his grasp and a burrito wrapped in white sheet on his other hand and she suddenly felt a tinge of pain in her stomach. The nice smell of the burito flowing to her nostrils made her even hungrier.

"Hungry?" Jansen stretched the burrito to her. She stared at it for a while and looked away.

"No, thanks."

"Come on have it."

"I said I don't wanna!" Juliet fired at him and her brows knitted together.

"Go ahead, have it. I know you don't like me and you don't wanna see me but, I just wanna look after you. Right now, I'm gonna make sure that you are alright. I don't want my baby's mother unwell. I'm being serious Juliet."

His words made her recall the moments she was badly missing him and the lonely nights she spent without him. The scent of his smooth skin and dimples coiling on his cheeks when he throws a huge smile at her. That night she stared outside her large window expecting his car appearing at his gate driving in and he never showing up.

She really misses his presence. Staring at his broad arms she felt urged to pull him into a hug and those crimson lips reminded her of the long kiss they last had. Does he still smell like mint? He always smelled mint when she used to hug him.

"Juliet! Juliet?" Jansen called twice noticing her staring silently into thin air. His voice ripped her from her thoughts, "hun Jansen?"

Jansen wore back the smile that departed from his face seeing her now staring at him, "burrito?"

"I...I'm not hungry." She replied with a nervous voice. Staring at his widened cheeks she felt quite discomfortable and bowed her head, "why's he smiling so much at me? Does he knows I was just thinking about him?" Talking to herself, she slowly lifted her head and peeked under her lashes to see him still grinning at her from ear to ear and her heart raced.


Mia slowly clamped her fists and gnashed her jaw. Macy became quite perturbed glimpsing her stiffened hands, "what's the matter?"

"Surviving the operation, I thought Jansen would be so glad about it and forget about everything else. That, I will be all in his mind but, listening to him defend Juliet to me, it goes to show that he still likes Juliet. What's the point given a second chance to life when he still likes Juliet? When she's still in his mind? For crying out loud, she is the mistress and I'm the Legal wife and I deserve all of his attention. But, anytime I'm with him, Juliet's still on his mind. It's not fair." Tears shredded on Mia's jowls in streams.

"I think it's best you divorce Jansen and move on."

"Move on? How dare you even ask me that Macy?" Mia roared, "moving on will be declaring my defeat. It will mean Juliet has won. Jansen is mine! He's mine you hear me? He is all mine. I won't lose him to any woman and most especially not Juliet!"

"But you're hurting all the time. When your parents passed on, I assured them I will look after you and decided the best for you. Let go of him."

"Juliet is the problem. She is the reason he won't love me so much. She is the one who has to let go of Jansen and if she's not willing, I'm gonna get rid of her for good so those two can't ever be together."

Macy panicked, "by that you mean?"

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