Love At First Night

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Jansen downed his tumbler of liquor and he moaned, it tasted bitter like a dose of a medicine and he felt gag, he closed his eyes against the bad taste. He was feeling unrelaxed as the music was banging in his ears and he wanted to go to somewhere noiseless and he sprang to his feet approaching the washroom.

He reached the washroom and he strode in. The washroom was spacious and an array of sinks were erected by the walls on the left side of the room, he approached one of the sinks and he twisted the knob of the tap, chilled water spewed from it, he placed his hands under the gushing tap, his hands were getting soaked and he was splashing some drops on his face.

He heard some cries and he was quite confused he assumed that the sound was cause of the gushing water and that what he was hearing is not cries and he continued washing his face. He heard the sound again and this time around, it was audible than the sound of the gushing water, he turned off the tap and he listened attentively to the cries, the voice sounded feminine and it was streaming from one of the toilets.

"Is this the ladies room?" Jansen pondered and he swerved glancing at the poster hung on the door and on it was boldly printed, Men's room. In curiousness to know if it is a lady whimpering, he approached the door to the toilet and he yanked the door open.

Jansen's eyes expanded awestruck seeing a lady in the toilet, she sat on toilet seat whimpering resting her face in her hands, her jet black hair cascaded to her arms like a waterfall. She was wearing an orange short gown which was divulging her thighs and straight glowing legs. Her legs were wrapped with stripes of her heels.


She paused whimpering wondering whose voice it is and she hoisted her head and looked at Jansen. Jansen glanced at her face and he noticed that her mascara was peeling and getting mixed with tears, her tears glistened on her cheeks and her lipstick was smudged by her hair. She looked like a doll dumped in a trash bin and pulled out. She was gripping a voluptuous bottle of liquor. She had gulped some sips and she was feeling tiddly.

"Who are you? Why're you staring at me? Don't you have anywhere else to be?" She said in an angry tone.

"Don't I have anywhere to be?" Jansen reiterated feeling amused, "this is the men's room. You're a lady you ought not to be here. The ladies room is that way."

"That's the point!" She screeched, "that it's the ladies room! I don't wanna be seen by any lady crying else they're gonna say, hey, look she is all by herself, she's crying cause she's dumped by her date and they'll laugh about it to their friends and everyone's gonna know I was ditched by my date."

"Okay, okay, but here is a men's room for men not people who are women."

"What's your deal? Are you a cop? A security manager? I'm already in here so deal with it and shut the freaking door before you leave."

"I'm sorry your date ditched you but I am here and I can be your date so you'll feel alright. The bar's not yet closed you still got time to party and drink so you're not sad throughout the night."

"What happens after we dance and we drink?" Tears streamed on her jowls, "you're gonna leave me before the party is even over just as my date ditched me." She sniffed and drew a sip from her bottle.

"Trust me."

"I don't wanna you're gonna ditch me like him and I'll be all alone in this bar dancing by myself."

"No I won't."

"I said you should leave!" Juliet screeched, she pulled her shoe off her foot and hurled it at him and the back of the heel smacked him on his forehead, "aw!" He moaned audibly.

Juliet panicked hearing him moaning and glancing at his forehead swelling she rose to her feet and waddled towards him, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you." Her voice sounded tender, "let me see." He pulled his hand from his head and she stroked his forehead massaging it gently with her thumbs. Her thumbs felt tender.

Standing close to him, Jansen glanced at her lips which were as red as strawberries, her slim short nose, her chubby jowls and her pair of sparkling eyes, he was feeling mesmerized. Juliet lifted her head and looked into his eyes, she noticed he was not moaning anymore, "does your head still hurts?"

Jansen's face split into a broad smile and he slipped his hands into the pockets of his pants, "I'm okay thanks."

She grinned back at him and she stretched her hand to him to introduce herself, "my name's Juliet nice to meet you and again I'm sorry."

Jansen shook her hand, "Jansen, " he replied and he moved closer to her their foreheads were almost touching, "you're amazingly beautiful Juliet." He pulled her hand towards his face and he bowed pecking her knuckles.

Juliet's eyes trembled feeling quite elated. No man has ever said those lines to her before except her ex-boyfriend Nicolas. He only commended her for her beauty cause he was looking for a model to advertise his products, he deals in bar soaps and he felt her beauty could bring his products popularity.

Juliet glanced closely at Jansen's face, they looked deeply into each other's eyes. Jansen moved his face nearer to hers and he leaned in smooching her lips affectionately. They heard some footsteps approaching and they shifted from each other and swerved glancing at the door. A tall lightly built man who seemed dressed for the party was standing by the door.

Jansen and Juliet felt quite embarrassed and they strode outside the washroom and ambled to one of the bedrooms at the VIP lounge. As they waddled into the room, Jansen took off his shirt and he flung it at the bed, Juliet glanced at his bare chest and his incredible abs, his bulging arms and she was feeling mesmerized she grinned from ear to ear. Jansen advanced to her and he held her by her waist pulling her towards him.

Juliet pushed him backwards, "do you have any lady in your life? Are you engaged?"

Jansen was speechless and an image of him proposing to Mia on the rooftop of a factory and they exchanging their wedding vows in front of an altar flashed through his mind and he shook his head, he stroked Juliet's cheek and looked into her eyes, "no I'm not engaged and I'm not married either. I'm single." He lifted his hand and was waving it at her face and she glanced at it.

"See, no ring."

Juliet wrapped her hand on his neck, "I already like you I did not want to feel disappointed that's why I had to ask you that. I don't think I can take it if I'm being lied to. I do not stand liars ever since my break up with my ex. I'd appreciate it if you are honest."

"Well you've got nothing to worry about."

Juliet grinned from ear to ear and she threw her lips into his. He snuggled her in his arms and they hopped on the bed switching off the lights and the room turned murky. He caressed her in his arms and they made love.

Mia unhurriedly opened her eyes glancing up at the glossy ceiling of her bedroom. She noticed a shadow hanging at the window and she assumed it is her husband's, Jansen. She tossed on the floor staring at the window to clearly look at him and she started feeling a throbbing pain in her head she moaned loudly and was patting her head.

She heard footsteps trotting toward her it paused besides her. A hand was patting her on her arm and she sensed that the touch is quite familiar. It was so gentle. No one has patted her that way before except Jansen. She looked up, she stared at the face of the person, her vision was blurry and she blinked thrice and her vision was now clear and she glanced at the face of the person again, her cheeks were chubby and her eyes quite curvy. It was her, she now realized. Her daughter's nanny, Macy.

"Where's Jansen?" Mia muttered.

Before Macy could speak, Mia passed out. Macy gripped Mia and yanked her off the floor dropping her on her Queen-sized-bed.


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