Jay's Visit

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"I have no other option. I'm always occupied at the office, I won't always be home to be with you. I wouldn't want you to be alone, or get sick or hungry." He rests his hand on her shoulder, she grabs his hand off her arm and flings it at the air, "when are you going to understand that I don't want Aunt Juliet babysitting me or taking care of me?" She gnarled her teeth at him.

"But sweetie, I don't want you to be alone."

"I don't care that I am! Even though mama ain't home and is in a coma, and even though..., " her voice starts to crack, "I do not know when she's gonna wake up, or if she ever will, I will keep waiting for her and to be with her. I will try my best to spend each day without her. I don't need anybody else to be with me especially not Juliet."

"You will listen to me Bella, " he narrowed his eyes at her, "cause I'm your dad and I make the decision in this house. Juliet is staying, she will take care of you until your mum recovers. And you better accept and respect her and do whatever she asks you to. Have I make myself clear?"

His contorted face, and clenched fists made Bella feel quite edgy, and she finally succumb to his demand. A smile grew at the tip of Jansen's lips when she said, "okay."

Immediately after she said that, hot tears began streaming on her face glum by the thought Juliet will be her mum from now on, and will also cook all her meals, tidy her room, take her shopping and dictate the kind of snacks she has to eat that are not hamburgers.

It was quite a frenzied Thursday afternoon. Jay was sitting besides Bella on the carpet floor in her bedroom and a huge textbook of the subject, Physics was placed on Bella's legs. Her hand was flipping through the bulky pages, and her mind was wandering elsewhere to her conversation with Jansen.

Jay grasped a jug of chilled Raspberry drink on the glass table and poured her a full tumbler. He stretched the tumbler to her, it was in front of her face she noticed it and broke out of her thoughts.
"Want fruit juice?" Listening to his deep bass-like voice, Bella looked away from the glasscup and looked at him wearing a grin at her.

She shook her head in reply. "Take it away, I don't care."

"We have been studying without a break you should have something." He stretched the cup to her, and anger rushed through her she grabbed the cup and fling it at the wall, "I said I don't want to!"

The tumbler cracked harshly at the wall and the juice spilled all over, Jay was taken aback and he felt a bit edgy noticing her face contorting in rage.

"Are you alright?"

"I wish I can say I am. I really want my mum, I wanna see her back home. I don't wanna accept this adjustment."

"What adjustment?"

"Juliet taking the place of mum in this house. It's hard coping with mum's coma, I have to also live with Juliet. Seeing her enrages me all the time and at the thought that she is the reason why my mum and dad are separating, why my mum even had that accident, why I can't be with her and why dad is being hard on me." Tears suddenly fall on her cheeks, "I can't wait when it will all be over. Even though it all gets over, things won't still go back to how they used to be cause my mum and dad don't love each other anymore. I have to get used to the pain and get used to not hoping for a better family. I should face it, my home is ruined."

"Stop over thinking, " Jay stooped over to her and his face was in front of hers. Their face was so close their nose was almost touching. He stretched his hands to her face kneading her cheeks with his thumbs, "stop worrying things are gonna be alright."

"They won't!" She fired back, "they never will! Things are far too broken to be repaired. Right now, " her voice starts to crack, "all I can only wish of, is for my mum to wake up that is if she ever does."

Jay pulled her into a comforting hug. She felt so relaxed in his warm and solid arms, the cologne in his shirt was flowing to her nostrils. He smelled like gum.

It was 3:08pm. Juliet stride into Bella's room and she flared staring at Bella and Jay giggling and sharing a cookie. When she spotted Bella's textbook lying tossed at a corner like a disposed can, her anger spiked even more and she started to them.

"What do you think you are doing Bella?" She narrowed her eyes at her. Bella's eyes grew wide a bit startled. She did not notice when she walked in until she stood in front of her. She stood firmly like a gallant soldier in the military Jay was a bit edgy staring at her and he rose from the floor. Bella quickly rise soon as he rose.

"Why are you asking me that? I'm in my room. Where else should I be now?"

"Don't you act dumb with me little brat!" Juliet barked, "I'm talking about your studies. Why aren't you studying your book? Why are you lazing with.., " she turns and looks at Jay, "him?"

"It is non of your f*cking business what I do."

"Don't you test me! That's it! He is leaving! And I won't want to see him in this mansion again since he is a distraction to you and you can't study." Juliet gnarled her teeth.

"No! Jay is not leaving. He is my friend okay? And you ain't my mum you don't call the shots."

"What the hell do you think you are?' Juliet reached for her arm and she grabbed it very tightly so she winces in pain. Jay panicked feeling a bit anxious, " let go of her. It's okay, I'm leaving. Just don't hurt her."

Juliet slowly withdraw her hand from her arm and Bella narrowed her eyes at Jay, "what do you think you are doing? You wanna leave Jay?" She grabbed his hand staring into his eyes, "are you afraid of her?"

"No, " he held her cheek lovingly, "I just don't want you to get hurt by her."

"But you leaving me hurts me even more."

"I gotta go, " he kissed her lovingly on her forehead, "bye." He pulled his hand from hers and edged away from her approaching the doors.

"Jay! Jay!" Tears suddenly fall on her cheeks staring at him walking away, "don't leave me, Jay! Jay..! Jay!" Her voice was hoarse as she howls his name. She felt a stab of pain in her chest as he did not pause nor turn to look at her and she shot an icy glare at Juliet. Juliet could feel the rage burning in her red eyes.

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