Wintry night

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Jansen grasped his car key from the table and scurried outside his office as if having a running stomach.

Juliet leaned forth resting her hands on the ground attempting to sit up and she felt some smooth sand beneath her palms she glanced at the goon advancing towards her and hoisting his dagger, he nearly plunges it into her tummy and she hurled the heap of sand in her hand into his eyes he groaned feeling irritated as the grains were itching them.

The other goons felt quite anxious watching him rubbing his eyes. Seeing how distracted they are, Juliet rise to her feet and she scurried as fast as the breeze the goons panicked staring at her darting and they scampered after her.

The hazy mist surrounding the street was making the road seem mysterious and for a brief moment, she looked like a lost Thrall. She reached a forest nearby. The silver moon suspending in the velvet sky, was glowing dimly. All she could see is the obscure, indistinct shadows of the trees swaying on the floor letting her have the illusion of thousands of devils dancing slyly in the night, planning some evil trick.

She paused and glanced over her shoulder. Although she could not see the goons as the mist was encircling the air, she listened to the thick and heavy noise of their boots and hearing the footsteps, she sensed that they are almost close to her and she panicked and scurried inside the forest. She still heard their footsteps, could they have step in? She pondered. She felt weariness in her legs, her knees shuddered and she moaned audibly. She was going short of breath and was feeling faint she paused trotting and was only walking. As the road continued up, there was a gentle slope guarded on the right by a thicket of bushes, a landscape followed by tall trees quickly give way to a rocky precipice to the left. Juliet trudged towards there.

10:59pm. Mia rested her cheek in her palm softly, her eyes rolled in dizziness and she yawned audibly. She glanced at the glossy screen of her wristwatch and realizes it is 11pm her face contorts with rage she clenched her fists and rose to her feet and she grasped the table cloth yanked it off the table and hurled it on the floor screeching. The bowls, cups and drinks plopped to the floor from the table cloth emitting a shrieking noise it banged Nanny Macy's ears she was walking across the sitting room.

Mia grasped the chair one by one smacking them at the walls and she grasped a voluptuous huge vase off a table and hurled it at the wall it shattered with a boisterous noise. Macy felt jittery staring at Mia she haven't seen her that outraged and she started to her. Mia was almost smashing the wall clocks, Macy held her arms and Mia couldn't freely move them she slowly dropped the clocks.

"Calm down you might awake Isabella she's fast asleep."

Tears spewed from Mia's eyes, "I can't believe I got so mad I did not think about my daughter."

"What's wrong?" Macy looked at her with pity staring into her sombre eyes.

"Today is my wedding anniversary with Jansen and he isn't even home Macy, " she sniffed, "I thought that since it is our anniversary he'll try to prioritize me and try to avoid any schedules to come home early. I dressed this good just for him and he isn't even here to share a glass of wine with me or a cake. This is the most horrible wedding anniversary of my life." Mia screeched.

"May be he's on his way home and he might be planning for you a beautiful surprise." Macy winked at her.

"I'm not an idiot to expect any surprise, " Mia kneaded her jowls, "he told me he was gonna be home sooner before eight and look at the time it's past eleven. I should not have gotten excited for our wedding anniversary. I do not regret damaging the table and wasting all those expensive drinks. Nothing matters to him. I do not matter to him, " she bowed her head weakly, "how could he ditch our anniversary?" Mia crossed her arms on her chest.

"Maybe, there is an emergency."

"Emergency my foot!" Mia screeched, "Today is our anniversary he should be here with me and no where else or with anybody. I am his wife I should come first right?"

Macy advanced to her and pulled her into a hug patting her back lovingly. Mia shed tears on her neck, "nanny I'm fed up that he doesn't take me seriously. I wanna stop dreaming and anticipating that he's gonna give me his time just like when he was courting me and for my anticipations to no more be anticipations but happening for real. I'm so sick of hoping nanny."

Mia clenched her fists firmly, "he shouldn't have dared to stand me up like I'm wasting my time for us. I made this dinner for us, I spent my time for us and he can't appear." She gnarled

The breeze turned heavier in extreme viscosity as the trees were dancing in unison. Juliet became cold as ice she feebily dropped to the ground like a sack. She didn't realize she was lying on a steep sloppy ground and with the little strength she could muster she attempted to rise to her feet and she suddenly started tossing like a ball as if poked.

The goons immediately halted specking the sloppy ground, they glanced left and right thrice, their torchlights gleamed the road and they did not spot Juliet. They gnashed their jaw in disgruntlement they were anticipating to trade Juliet's organs to an organ trafficking syndicate. They are brutal criminals and have been wanted by the cops. The only time they roam the street is during the late hours of the night. They swerved and were walking away.

Juliet tumbled for what felt like for ever, hitting branches along the way. She felt helpless and out of control like an unsteady breeze. Her arms were getting scrubbed by shrubs she howled and she was now hurtling over grass, earth and rock until the cliff slope became even steeper and she fell farther.

It was 11:52 pm. Jansen arrived Havelock street, he quickly stepped out of his car and he had to grasp a torchlight as he observed that the road is murky and covered with a mist. He strode the street glancing left and right pointing his torchlight at wherever he looks. The rays of his torchlight gleamed on the road.

"Juliet!" He screeched. He did not hear any response and his heart was fluttering he screeched her name thrice still the street was utterly silent and he rubbed his hair in nervousness, he sighed, "where are you?" His eyes trembled and tears were soaking them.

"I hope you're not dead, " Jansen clenched his fists, his face contorted with rage, "I swear I'm not gonna spare any of the goons should anything happen to you." He kneaded his cheek, a tear dropped. He continued to waddle.

Juliet felt as if she is being pricked by sharp thorns as she tossed and the slope pulled her toward the edge of the cliff, she rolled off the edge and she glanced down noticing huge sturdy rocks and several thickets below the cliff fear grasped her heart she hurriedly leaned her palms on a pair of rocks protruding from the top of the cliff and her legs dangled in the air, the breeze hugged them tightly she moaned.

"Help me! Help!" She screeched and tears spurted in immense flow from her eyes she glanced left and right and all she could see are the shadowy trees standing like pillars, the thickets and carnations, "will anybody save me?" She bowed in disbelief.

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