Dreadful Night II

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Fright seeped through Juliet's heart thinking of getting shot by the goon, her fright felt so real as the goon was now near, the sound of his footsteps was louder than before. She wished she could run or swerve into the bushes, her foot was aching badly she felt too feeble to walk.

Jansen already fled, he was already at a full distance from the goon and found himself in a really strange spot in the forest where there were gigantic trees, and the field so bright as there were no canopy of trees obstructing the moonlight.

"Juliet.'' He quickly paused walking as he heard no sound of her anylonger, he turned looking back hoping to spot her nearby and he panicked when he didn't.

He suddenly heard a blast of gunshot echoed far across the field and his heart stopped for a moment wondering if Juliet has been shot and surge of rage rose in him, he balled his fists gritting his teeth, " I will not spare you should Juliet be in danger."

Jansen's heart was racing so fast in anxiousness as he dashed back to the field to get her hoping to find her safe and sound and when he reached there, he found her laying on the floor helplessly and a stream of blood flowing from her forehead. His eyes grew wide as plates, his brows furrowed very visibly and he looked up at the goon who was pointing his gun down at her.

Jansen panicked also listening to her breathing so high as if she was dying, he knelt besides her and he held her hand in sadness, tears were rolling down his eyes, "do you feel okay?" He was sobbing in his heart his voice came out shaky.

"I..., I..., " Juliet was struggling to mumble a few words to him but she was too weak to speak.

It was 9:42 in the cold night, Mia was standing outside at the terrace of her mansion in her night dress. The subtle wind was cuddling her wrapping her like a scarf she felt a bit cold, and there was a reflection of sadness in her eyes like tears would fall down any moment soon however, they rolled down her cheeks like a waterfall as her mind was reflecting on Jansen. She missed his warm body smell like olives, his comfy affectionate cuddles and his kisses on her tender lips and when she looked down at her hand she was griefstricken looking at her glowing wedding.

Staring at her wedding ring, images of Jansen and her standing in front of the Altar in church reciting their wedding vows to each other and Jansen fixing the wedding ring on her hand flashed through her mind. She could hear his deep masculine voice in her mind, it's so loud and clear, his promises to 'love her for better or worse' , 'in sickness and in health' , 'till death drew them part'.

In a fit of rage, she yanked her wedding ring off her finger and hurled it at the floor and she screamed at the top of her lungs, "damn you Jansen! Damn you!" She suddenly felt wearied screaming, and she cried on her arm, "why'd you leave me? Why...?"

She suddenly felt a warm sensation around her waist as if someone was embracing her. His arms felt really solid and warm Mia's lips curled into a bright smile thinking Jansen has returned to her and was behind her.

"Jansen?" She turned quickly to look at him, and her eyes drooped in disappointment to see it was not really him but Mark.


"How are you?" He was wearing a huge brown coat, and a pair of black pants.

"Why are you here?"

"To say my goodbyes."

"Goodbyes?" She arched a brow.
"Yea, I'm leaving for Switzerland next tomorrorow and I didn't wanna leave without seeing you for the last time."

"You're...you're going away?" She seemed stunned and anxious at the same time.

"Yea. I've stayed in New York for six years, I have to move on with my life, pursue my dreams and settle down someday."

Mia was flustered when he mentioned 'settle down' and her heart was racing in anxiousness, and her eyes were swelling with a pool of tears as several thoughts was racing through her mind of him planning to get married.

"Well, I'm gonna miss you Mark."
He sighed feeling quite irritated, "don't..Don't say that. Do not deceive me, I know you feel so free and happy that I'm leaving, that I'm out of your life cause you wanna be with Jansen. I bet you're not gonna miss me or even think of me cause you'll be with your ex-husband." He tried to fight back the tears rising in his eyes but he couldn't as sadness drowns him on the inside reminiscing of Jansen and Mia kissing each other with so much affection.

"Mark..., please.., '' she was hoping to plead to him not to leave, but he didn't care to listen. He quickly pulled his hand away from hers when she held him.

"I gotta go. Kiss Bella for me." He tried to avoid looking into her eyes, they were so bright and beautiful compelling him to pull her into his arms and kiss her nonstop. A thousand and one kisses would not be enough for staying away from her for a very long time. Tears flowed from his eyes in streams walking away from her, he wished to cuddle her like always, but he witheld the feeling. He was staring back at her feeling an urge to hold her in his arms one last time but he looked away from her and dashed to his car.

Mia shivered in sadness watching him driving out of the mansion, she couldn't suppress the tears streaming from her eyes.

I sincerely apologize for posting late, please don't forget to vote for me and follow me. Your encouragements will mean alot!

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