Untitled Part 27

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It's been almost a week Juliet started working at Hailey's aunt's restaurant, Bella's Universe. She has gotten used to attending to the customers which drop by.

She was striding across the room in the restaurant in a cool afternoon. She paused feeling her elbow getting grasped and she turned to look at her Boss, Margaret.

"What do you want from me?" Juliet raised her brows. The poor girl was already feeling exhausted. Her face looked somber. She has attended to over twelve customers.

"Do you see the lady over there, the one in a white gown?" Margaret was pointing at a seat in the back row. Juliet turned and looked at the table. The lady's face was covered by the huge magazine she was clasping Juliet could not see her face clearly.

"Of course ma'am?" Juliet nodded.

"Go ask her what she wanna order. She's been sitting and unattended for fifteen minutes."

"Alright Margaret."

Juliet approached the table. "What would you like to have? There's a menu on your table. Select any dish you want."

Juliet noticed the magazine moving downwards slowly from the lady's face. She caught sight of her smooth forehead and deep brown eyebrows. She gradually saw her face more clearly as the magazine completely drifts from her face.

Juliet's eyes grew wide in startlement realizing she is Mia. She felt her heart racing fast.

"How've you been dear sister?" Mia noticed Juliet's hands twitching and her cheeks turning pale and she felt amused, she giggled, "why're you staring at me as if you've seen a ghost?"

"What are you doing here? How did you know I work here?"

Mia glanced at the walls of the building. They appeared quite tacky and she noticed the chandeliers which were not glowing.

"After studying in an expensive school, who would have thought that you'll wind up becoming an ordinary waitress?" Mia stared at her tacky uniform. She observed her crumpled shoes and let out a chuckle, "I guess the job suits a slut like you."

Juliet's brows creased, "you know you're the reason why I can't have a good job. Because of that awful scandal you made at my party, you've succeeded in tarnishing my image no one respects me, no one wants me in their organization. Now don't you mock me if this is the job I could settle for."

"I knew you have no shame at all and you can stoop to any level to have anything you want. If you could stoop low to having an affair with Jansen it's not surprising that you can stoop low to have a condescending job of a simple waitress." Mia scowled at her.

"I know I did a mistake falling for Jansen and getting intimate with him and I'm already in a mess because of it so would you not make me feel much worse than I already feel?" Tears were forming in Juliet's eyes.

Mia sighed. She clasped the menu from the table and she glanced through it and she looked up, "give me a plate of pasta and some spicy tuna."

"Alright." Juliet walked away.

Mia stared at her as she leaves and suddenly, Jansen's words were starting to echo in her mind, "fine! I love Juliet and every moment I spent with her, each felt so special and unique and that's why I cannot forget her for good. Just cause we are not together that doesn't mean that you can control how I should act or feel towards her."

Mia broke out of her reflections and she felt fury surging through her being she clasped the menu and she unconsciously squeezes it till it was completely crumpled.

The Mistress and The Legal WifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ