...And I, Chose You *SJ* Part 2

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Your heart pounded in your chest as you allowed Scarlett into the free flowing space, you weren't exactly rich so there were no massive walls to separate your kitchen from the quaint little living room—you had meant it when you called yourself a s...

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Your heart pounded in your chest as you allowed Scarlett into the free flowing space, you weren't exactly rich so there were no massive walls to separate your kitchen from the quaint little living room—you had meant it when you called yourself a starving artist.

"Your place is nice," she attempted the dreaded small talk, her voice a pitch higher as she willed her heart to relax, and her thoughts to stop racing. You laughed, it was a familiar sound that made her wary soul ache.

"I'm serious Y/N/N," she groaned, the familiar use of your nickname brought a smile to your hidden face. "You've got a flair for making places feel like home."

Scarlett hated the way your shoulders tensed, and the mugs in your hands clinked on the counter. Her words were genuine but you were unfamiliarly guarded. She once told you, while drifting off to sleep against your chest, that you were what made her house a home.

Then she ripped your heart out and left you alone.

What used to be an easygoing relationship was now tainted, shrouded in collective shame, and despair.

You settled onto the couch following the long, awkward moment of silence, her warm mug of tea, made to her specifications was set before her where she sat on your recliner with her feet tucked beneath her tiny frame. It went untouched as all she could do was savor being in such close proximity to you, her glassy eyes remained focused on your aged face. Another reminder of the precious time she had lost with you, and all the reason she needed to finally make a decision to fight for love.

Scarlett went to speak, but your tired voice cut her off, "What are you doing here Scar? Don't you have promos to run for the next movie? With your little boy toy?" The contempt was obvious, she was sure it stemmed from the way she'd usually promoted the films with her ex fling Chris, with the kind eyes and charming smile.

"Can we please not fight?" Scarlett's eyes were duller than ever before, normally you would give in to her pleas, but this was your home she'd wandered into and you felt an unrelenting urge to defend it. "If you were looking for the girl who bends to your every whim she is back in 2019, you're now meeting a loveless edition."

"As if," the blonde snorted, "You're a total sap Y/N."

"Love is an illusion Scarlett, end of the discussion."

Scarlett watched you jump up from the couch, and just as she expected you began to pace the tiny kitchen. If you wanted a fight, then the award winning actress would give you one for the books. "If love is an illusion then I guess I'm a fucking magician Y/N because no matter how hard I try I can't stop myself from loving you, but more importantly I don't ever want to."

"It's been two years Scarlett, you don't know me!"

Scarlett scoffed, "You are unbelievable!" The way you flinched didn't even deter her as she walked over to you, her body pressing yours into the counter as her hand raised to slap you across the cheek for making such asinine remarks. As if she didn't know you wholly and love you just the same. You were all she wanted.

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