She Will Be Loved ... Part 2

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(My Body, My Choice—First part)
Natasha was smiling softly, eyes sparkling with amusement as she patiently waited for you to waddle over to her from the car. Her hand was extended out, fingers curling playfully to hurry your pace, but you were too preoccupied staring down at your bump to even notice.

"Dinner was great, don't you think? Thank you so much for taking me out tonight Tasha."

Natasha's set smile grew even wider at the sound of your sweet, innocent voice, absolutely loving the nickname that you've bestowed upon her, and feeling fully content in the little bubble of blossoming love that you'd created over the past two months.

"Of course detka, you deserve only the best..." She coos, turning to face you from your side she places a sweet kiss to your lips, hand instinctually falling to your bump while stood in the doorway of the compound main room.

"Yeah Tasha, I'm sure—."

Tony didn't get to finish his sentence because he was a bit busy dodging the projectile being thrown his way. Your brows furrowed at the scene, wondering what might've set her off, but then you remember that Tony requires "daily fixing" as the women of the compound had all informed you. Natasha looked ready to kill the man though, so you decided to save his life.

"Come on honey, my feet are killing me..." With a gentle tug to her arm Natasha was turning to face you with a much softer expression.

"Go up to my room, I'll be right behind you with the lotions..." She replies with a squeeze to your hips and a kiss to your forehead.

Natasha kisses away your responding pout, then she swiftly spins you around, sending you off with a love tap on your bottom, and a giggle at your accompanying gasp.

"You're down bad my friend..." Bucky states with a squeeze to her shoulder as he passes by her to take a seat in his recliner.

"You've been spending too much time with Sam old man." She groans in response to which Tony chuckles and then seamlessly dodges yet another piece of decor.

"Don't even get me started on you, you little shit.."

"But Tasha... We're really happy for you, truly." Tony teases as he's leaving—running—to work in his lab.

"Yeah, all the teasing aside we're all eternally grateful to the beauty that stole your heart. You've been so much happier in the last two months, your aura has even gotten lighter."

Natasha's jaw tenses for a brief second at the mention of your beauty, a twinge of jealousy crosses over her heart but she settles it as she remembers Bucky's already spoken for. Also, cheating was a big area of insecurity for you, so she knows as much as she wouldn't do it to you, you'd show her the same respect.

"Okay, you've also been spending too much time with Stacy, because what could you possibly know about auras?"

"I know enough... Now hurry along before the beast returns."

Natasha snorts at his comment, because it's a true inference, whenever you're tired, or grumpy and don't get your way you have the potential to become a menace to the people around you. Natasha finds it all endearing though, sometimes she'll even purposefully leave you waiting just to see the adorable scowl that manifests.

Then she'll take care of you in all the ways that you need, even bringing you the "required pregnancy bowl" of ice cream at one in the morning, sometimes even running to the store if she finds someone else has finished off yours. Ending the night she'll cuddle you close from behind, hands protectively placed over your bump, face nuzzled against the nape of your neck, and only ever closing her eyes once you're fast asleep.

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