You're Mine... Part 1 *SJ

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Scarlett's POV

We recently wrapped on Avengers Endgame, it's been a few months and I haven't seen anyone from the cast since; I've been so busy with other projects. Today there's a party at Evans's house for the cast and crew. So I'm obviously going, can't stand my bestfriend and 'family' up.

I also found out Y/N's coming. She's been in the films since Age of Ultron but has never agreed to go to any party that we've thrown without a contractual obligation. Her so called reason for going tonight is she knows it's most of the OG's last movie and she is possibly going to miss us.

I'm more than excited because she's genuinely my favorite person to be around. She'd always sit with me in my trailer and we'd watch stupid reality TV and eat whatever we could in between our scenes. We'd have sleepovers and we'd cuddle. We'd flirt, like a lot. It started off as harmless flirting, but over the years it's become complicated by feelings—at least for me.

The problem was one or both of us was usually taken when the other wasn't. So it could never go anywhere. I've been single since before we wrapped, and as of last week Y/N's free from her terrible on and off again girlfriend. I'm happy for her because she always deserved better.

So, I'm prepared to amp up the flirting today. She will be mine!


I woke up feeling great today! I finally dropped my now ex for good. She was controlling and mostly just using me for the clout and money. I'm honestly more excited because I finally 'agreed' to go to a cast thrown party. I always wanted to go but my ex wouldn't let me, so I pretended to be uninterested.

It'll be a great party because Scarlett's going to be there and I intend to flirt my ass off. There's nothing holding me back. My ex was always kind of jealous of Scar's & I's relationship. We've always been close, and we've always harmlessly flirted. A wolf whistle here or there. Eyeing the other up and down with a subtle lip bite. The comments in passing with winks and smirks. It never escalated due to both of us being coupled up when the other was single. That's no longer an issue and I intend to have fun tonight. Starting with the outfit I wear.

I know from premieres what outfit styles seem to drive her crazy. I settled on a tight fit, white button up shirt, making sure to leave the top two buttons undone. I then tuck it into a black above the knee pencil skirt. The skirt hugs my hips and butt nicely, one accidental pen drop and she'll be putty in my hands ...

*ETA* -Chris E texts me

*Who's asking ? 😉*

*uh.. me? Hence the text. 🤪*

*7:10PM. Fashionably late is what I do best Capsicle*

*oh, I so want to uninvite you... See you soon loser*

With that I finished getting ready. I spray myself down with *your fave scent*, and I apply just a bit of chapstick to my lips. I fluff up my naturally y/h/t hair. I slipped on my slides, grab my party favor, and head out the door.

Chris E's POV

I was texting Y/N to make sure she wouldn't flake. I have a feeling her newfound single state is why she's actually coming. Her ex was so controlling. Y/N thought we didn't know but we all did. Whenever we invited her she seemed sad to say no. This parties almost a secret celebration for us because she's single and so is Scar.

I've never seen two people more perfect for each other. I've also never seen Scar so interested in anyone like this before. The so called 'harmless' flirting usually ended in her looking sad when Y/N was out of sight.
Scar hasn't given up on the idea of Y/N and her. She got into relationships usually just to pass the time. Then Y/N and crazy pants would break up for a minute and Scar would be hopeful. Then they'd make up and the cycle continued.

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