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Put you in jail for something you didn't do. I pinned your hands behind your back, oh.

Natasha warned you this would happen, but you were incredibly naive, and just as selfish.

"Nat, I—.," she turned to you from the window with a glare so harsh you stumbled backwards., "You what Y/N? Thought following me after I expressly told you not to was a good idea?"

You watched the woman you loved with all of your heart become an enemy in a matter of mere minutes. Only an hour ago was she sleeping soundly atop of your chest after an exhausting reunion, and now she's ripping your heart out of it instead with no remorse.

She was terrified, that much was clear, but she also looked to you like she'd been betrayed. Natasha didn't trust easily, that was her nature, but in the last five years you'd broken down every last wall until you reached her tattered heart; just to be another person to slash it...

"Natalia Romanov, we have you surrounded.," the familiar voice of one General Ross boomed against the shifty trailer, and the redheads jaw clenched., "Put my hands behind my back, and escort me out to them Y/N.," her eyes held no room for an argument, but you didn't care.

"No, I-I won't turn you in Natasha! I can't.," she softened for the briefest second., "There's no other way Y/N, you've sealed our fate.," she handed you the handcuffs then turned away from you and her heart broke when you sniffed aggressively as you latched the metal around her wrists but her stoic resolve never faltered.

"Good going kiddo.," Tony clapped your back, and you spluttered at the insinuation., "Nat, No I-I swear.," Tony gripped your shoulder so hard that you faltered, then your eyes met a sea of green, the storm brewing within them was harsh, yet gentle with its pleading. The both of them silently saying to you: "shut up and play pretend.," to which you responded by dropping your gaze from the redheads and by stepping into line with Tony who sighed in clear relief. "We'll fix this Y/N, I promise you that much."

Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves ; Chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there's no us. Why'd I have to break what I love so much. It's on your face, and I'm to blame.

I need to say: Hey, it's all me in my head.
I'm the one who burned us down, but it's not what I meant. Sorry that I hurt you.

I don't wanna do this to you.
I don't wanna lose this with you.

Tony was no help to you, but in your time of need you found solace in the Captain, even though you were just at odds a month prior., "Y/N, I could do this alone you know.," the man was nervous as can be, he knew he was risking facing Natasha's wrath by allowing you to tag along, but he also couldn't deter you but he still had to try., "As if Rogers, now let's go!"

The raft was deemed impenetrable, but it was like nothing to get in for a Super Soldier and a determined girlfriend with a stolen Stark blaster. Taking out the men was just as easy, you we're starting to wonder if this was privy to what the national defense team looked like, because if so the Avengers really did need to make up or the states were surely doomed.

Steve and you entered the room stealthily, your eyes landed on Wanda first, your heart broke at the sight of the young girl in heavy restraints. Without even a second thought you blasted the lock of her cell, setting her free, then you used your powers to fry the latch off her cuffs.

When you were certain she was okay you turned around to see Steve free'd everyone else, but Clint and the ant guy you briefly fought as they chose to stay behind. That's when you noticed Natasha with a menacing expression on her as she spoke to them in harsh whispers.

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