To Be Mine Forever... Part 2

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Smut—Cockwarming(R), Strap(R), Marking(R), Oral fixation(R), Subtle Dumbification, Top!Nat

Warnings—Mean/Jealous Steve Rogers, sticky relationship with food, fat-shaming, insecure!! reader, insecure!! Natasha (mentions of previous trauma). Violence!!

Here you were, straddling your lover while she sat on her lush satin couch in her home office, thick thighs nearly trembling as you tried your hardest not to settle all your weight atop her. Natasha had you warming her cock while she finished her residual paperwork. Having muttered something about being "tired of your teasing" when you simply delivered her some breakfast and a mug of tea in your lace panties and loose t-shirt that fell just below your butt.

"Honey, I can feel you straining, just relax."

Natasha then leans back from her desk to really face you, eyes instantly falling to your lip that is nervously caught between your teeth, then they travel to see the subtle beads of sweat that are coating your forehead, but mostly she sees the familiar pain taking up residence in your eyes.

Work was long forgotten when she realizes how deeply you've fallen back into the dark place. After nearly a year of being together she'd believed you were past this; that you understood that there was nothing she couldn't handle, but more importantly that you knew you weren't something that needed to be "handled."

"Stop worrying honey, how many times have I told you that you won't hurt me?"

"Natty, I'm too —."

Her lips surge forward to cut your statement off, absolutely hating the way that you're so willing to speak about yourself in the negative, and therefore refusing to let you do so.

"Don't you dare finish that asinine statement." She pleads against your lips, voice slightly wavering as the sadness in her heart bubbles to the surface.

As soon as she pulls back her hands settle on your plush hips, and without warning she slams your body down with relative ease. Groans of pleasure fall from the both of you as the hilt of the strap brushes against her clit, and the faux shaft then moves deliciously against your walls. Your head falling forward against her shoulder as you try to desperately regulate your startled breathing. Nimble fingers gently scratch at your back, her right hand having remained underneath your oversized shirt, while the other caresses your cheek, thumb gently stroking over your skin.

"Moya lyubov', what's going on in that pretty little head of yours? You're perfect... I just wish you could see yourself the way I do, and for you to speak of my precious angel in the way that she deserves. You deserve kindness.."

"Natty, I'm too much, it's just an obvious fact."

Her hips thrust up in an attempt to cut your words off again, even more proof that your size has never been, and never will be a problem for her, but she was too late.

"You know, I have the mind about me to go around and put an end to all your exes for ever making you feel this way, maybe also for even touching you but that's besides the point here." She breathes out angrily, arm wrapping around you protectively as her hand squeezes your left side in a bruising manner at the mere thought of anyone else having you in the ways that only she gets to, and to then take that precious time with you and bring you nothing but pain just pisses her the fuck off.

"You are not too much Y/N! Definitely not for me, and if you were told that by anyone else then they were just a weak ass individual who found some perverse joy in breaking beautiful girls such as yourself... You shine so brightly that they felt it was their job to dull you, but I promise it was always them, and never you."

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