Broken Part 3

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Mama- Nat, Mommy- Y/N
Natasha G!P!

As Natasha enters the jet, she slightly cursed you for not trying to reach out to the team when she was gone; in the end she knew you were just scared, and doing whatever you felt was right to protect your precious babies.

Being without you for as long as she has been is really getting to her. 1 year, 1 month, four days, and two hours to be exact; three hundred, and ninety-nine days without your touch, your laugh, your smile, and most importantly without your love.

She had been ready to jump on the jet once your location had been found, but the team held her back—rightfully so—they needed a base plan. The entirety of the four days they spent concocting a plan drove her wild, but she'd at least had your beautiful creations of love there to keep her grounded. In turn, their presence also served to break her heart, since you were missing all of this, a whole month and they'd almost become brand new babies.

This was never in the plans...

Just last week Nikolai had rolled over while doing tummy time, he absolutely hated the process, so he took matters into his own hands. Then little Eliana has a new fascination with her mama's jewelry. Whenever she became fussy during the planning process, Nat would just hold her to her chest, and lay her hand there for her to be in awe of the rings; the position almost always ended with Eli grasping at, and suckling on her mama's signature arrow necklace.

The little angels are currently with their honorary cousins back on the farm, with their Auntie Laura taking amazing care of them. Natasha can't help but to imagine what your reaction will be when you finally get to see them again, in the house that she'd always promised you. The steps taken towards your life together might be backwards, but the dream is all the same, and she intends to fulfill it.

"Nat, we're going to get her back." Yelena confirms, as she buckles herself into the copilot seat beside her.

"I just miss her so much Lena..."

"Hey, no more tears, this time tomorrow we'll have Y/N."

"You don't know that..." Natasha barks out, far more aggressively than intended.

"What if the Y/N we get back isn't the same? What if the tracking is a ruse, and she's not even there? What if we get there and she's under their control? Or what if she's de—." She begins to ramble off her concerning scenarios.

"Absolutely not." Yelena cuts her off, and gets the fully loaded jet up into the sky.

"Life's never wanted to work in my favor."

"Stop putting negativity out there."

"I'm trying to be positive, but I can't set myself up for anymore heartbreak so I'm being realistic..." Natasha dejectedly mumbles, as she pulls the polaroid of you and the babies out of her wallet.

"We're coming for you detka... Happily ever after is just within our grasps..." She whispers, placing a kiss to the photo, and holding it to her lips as a single tear trails down her cheek.

I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh, I want to hold you high and steal your pain away; I keep your photograph, and I know it serves me well, I want to hold you high and steal your pain.

You stare up at the ceiling of your stonewalled cell, mindlessly humming out a "comforting" Russian lullaby, as your mind continues to play dirty tricks on you.


You groaned, tossing around in your bed, on the verge of screaming as the clock besides your bed flashes 1:00AM. You had work in less than seven hours, but it seemed sleep wasn't in your future, at least you worked in a cafe... Your thoughts of chloroforming yourself faded out as door creaked open, and you slightly lifted your head to see your lover quietly entering your room.

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