You Could Never Hurt Me 🥵

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Natasha smiled as she entered the kitchen, it was an unstoppable reaction when seeing you

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Natasha smiled as she entered the kitchen, it was an unstoppable reaction when seeing you. You'd always been so excitable, so it's no shock to her that you're animatedly relaying your last nights events to a bleary eyed Wanda who's sipping her tea, and mindlessly nodding along.

"This really pretty girl asked for my number!" You shrieked, and Natasha instantly frowned. "Can you believe it Wands? I was shocked."

Natasha's frown had managed to deepen, she could believe it without question, you were perfect, too much so for her to ever have, she'd never be enough for you. She was too gruff, and she would only ever hurt you with her ways.

You deserved a tenderness she didn't feel she could offer you, and it seems you found it.

That had her heart actually snapping in two, she left the kitchen rather abruptly with an unfinished breakfast left behind in her wake.

Wanda shook her head as Natasha took off, she heard her thoughts, and they were followed up by your very own, "You should tell her Y/N/N."

"It's no use Wands, she didn't even look my way," you dejectedly sigh, and the witch nearly chokes on her cooled beverage, "Are you blind? Her eyes were literally on you the whole time."

"Why? Is there something on my face?"

"Not yet," she grumbles, and you softly pout, "I anticipate my hand will leave quite the mark."

"That's not very nice, I'm having a crisis, and you want to threaten me," you huffed, crossing your arms for emphasis as you turned away.

Wanda cackled as she settled her mug down, she slowly made her way over to you, and pulled you in for a hug you didn't reciprocate, "You are blind, but hear me when I say, she wants you Y/N, but she's scared of hurting you. Of not being enough, and a whole lot of things you should talk about with her, try tonight."

Tonight, the Avengers annual charity gala...

Natasha paced her room for hours thinking about what you said. She didn't stick around to hear if the mystery girl was going to be your plus one tonight, her heart would've imploded. The thought of someone else loving you hurt her more than she ever thought imaginable.

But as the time for the party neared she shook off the resentment, she'd try being happy for you tonight, and bury her love for you instead.

That's what she thought until she saw you at least, you looked stunning, she wasn't shocked. Of course you did, you managed to make lazy outfits attractive, so you dressed to the nines being the hottest thing she'd ever seen fits.

"You're drooling," Yelena chides as she settles by her sister at the bar, and throws up two fingers to the bartender in a silent order.

"Zamolchi," she grumbled bitterly as she accepted the shot from her sister, downing it in one swift motion that almost painted her as a drunk with the way she didn't even wince.
(Shut up)

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