Stevie's Lil' Sis Part 3

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Oh no... I can feel my heart rate rising. At this point everyone's left besides Fury and Romanoff. Fury looks to Nat as I'm panicking and she gives him a nod and he leaves.

Nat's POV

"Hey, y/n/n, I need you to calm down love." I say smoothly though I'm also slightly panicking. I pull her in hoping the sound of my heart rate will calm her down -- it doesn't. I try a few more things, but nothings working, then I remembered something. I read somewhere that a kiss can sometimes stop a panic attack because it causes them to regulate their breathing. So even though I don't want this to be the first kiss were to ever share --assuming there's going to be more-- I go for it. Much to my avail, the kiss shocked her enough to calm down, and I slowly pulled away, wiping her tears with my thumb as I do.

"Come here kotenok, I got you" I say as I pull her in

She's much too tired to process, so we'll have to talk later about what just happened. I stroke her hair as I rock her, eventually she's calmly sleeping in my embrace. I get up, take her to my room and lay her in my bed. Then I leave on my search to find Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb.

Steve's POV

I couldn't believe it, so I took off, I feel so angry that my vows to protect her fell short. All because of who I was, she fell into Hydra's torture and it hurts to look at her. Buck seems to be mad he never saw her while there, as if he would've been able to save her. As I'm in my head I feel a slap to the back of me.

Nat's POV

"Ow!" "What the hell Nat?" Bucky and Steve shout in unison

"HA! I found you idiots! Listen, mad or not, you guys just left her in there a broken mess. She spent two years in Wakanda working towards healing so she could be safe for her family. Then all she got in return was shouting, stares, and abandonment. She's been so excited to see her big brothers and, wow, y'all were really disappointing. I swear if you don't make it right, and undermine her progress I will take that shield and shove it so far up your --" Nat says as she's interrupted by sniffles behind her.

"Natty ... Can you give us a minute?" the beautiful y/h/c girl mumbles softly to me

"Thank you" she whispers as I walk inside, but not too far, as I'm a woman of my word with the shield on standby


"Hey..." is all I can stutter out as I look to the ground, hoping to avoid awkward stares in return. Next thing I know I'm pulled into a bone crushing hug by Buck, that Stevie immediately joins. We stand in our huddle, with a cascade of tears falling from all of us. After a few minutes I pull away to see their goofy smiles.

"I'm sorry" Stevie whispers out to which I immediately refute with "It's not your fault, it's neither of your faults! If you knew, I know you would've saved me. You guys were always good at that. I love you, and I have no feelings of anger towards you... but the walking away did hurt. Natty helped though." I say with a smile.

"Natty, huh?" Stevie remarks with a smirk, as Buck chuckles in response

"Oh, shut it!" I remark back

"We missed you" Buck states -- "Me too" I reply

"Hey, let's go inside so I can properly introduce the team to my baby sister!" Steve says pulling me in for a noogie

"Watch yourself less attractive Rogers! Shuri penned the nickname and I feel it really fits" I reply in a joking manner

Steve playfully glares as he drags me inside, passing Nat who sends me an endearing smile,

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