Trick OR Treat

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Nat's POV

"Happy Halloween!" I hear Clint say to Y/N as we walk into the house on the farm. On a mission last week Y/N and Clint spent over an hour debating what the best horror film is. She was dead set on y/f/h/f and Clint was set on IT. To be honest, The Craft is the only right answer. Anyways, one debate led to another, and the next thing I know I'm being wrapped into Halloween plans with Y/N and Clint and his family. It's not that I don't love spending time with them, it's that I was looking forward to some spooky "alone time" with Y/N tonight.

"Auntie Nat!!" Lila yells as she jumps into my arms, pulling me from my thoughts

"Hello little love!" I reply warmly.

"Dad said you and Auntie Y/N are taking us trick or treating tonight. Is it true?" Lila asks excitedly

"Yes! It's true!" Y/N remarks with so much enthusiasm as she joins us in our hug

"Yay!" ... "Mommy said we're gonna make fun foods. Like mummy dogs and pumpkin cookies." Lila rambles in while Y/N just grins down at her

God, I never really thought I'd want kids, but seeing her with Clint's kids and Morgan just does something to me. See, if we were home tonight we could be working on this right now. I mean my lack of uterus and us both being woman makes it impossible... but the practice would've been fun.

"Nat, baby, you good?" Y/N whispers into my ear from behind me with her arms around my waist. 

I turn around in her arms and peck her lips. 

"Yes my love, I'm doing great. How about you?"

"I'm fine, are you sure you're okay? You seem out of it." she questions with a bit of concern

"I promise! I'm just a bit distracted." I reply

"Ooh, distracted by what?" She questions

"Oh, just my thoughts of my original plans for us for tonight." I whisper back as I walk away towards the kitchen with a smirk and spring in my step.


The sly little minx. Oh, if she's interested in teasing wait until she sees my costume for tonight. I don't let her keep me stationary long and almost immediately make my way to the kitchen.

"Who's ready for some friendly bake offs?" I yell excitedly

"Competition?" Nat questions

"Yes, Team 1 is Lila & I, Team 2 is Nat and Coop, Team 3 is Clint and Nate. Best decorated cookies win. Laura has made the cookies, and will be the judge. Who's ready?" I ask and wiggle my brows

"Everyone to your stations!" Laura asserts excitedly 

I walk over to Lila and we prepare our station

"You're going down" I mouth to Nat

"Ha! In your dreams." She mouths back

"There too..." I mouth back with a wink causing her to look away and focus on Coop and the decorating. 

There's pumpkins and ghosts. We will present one of each to Laura. She's judging on creativity, appearance, and practicality/stability. 10 points each, for a total of 30 points total. She'll be unaware of who's plate is who's. Prize is choice of the Halloween movie to be played during dinner.

Nat's POV
Oh, I'm going to win this, I work well under pressure. She's going down! Then my movie choice will be the one that scares her beyond means--The Leprechaun, it's an all out war now.

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