My Body, My Choice

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June 24, 2022

Natasha woke up with an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach, and no matter what she did it remained there; slowly crawling up, and gnawing at her chest throughout the entirety of her morning training.

She took a shower to wash away the remains of her workout, secretly hoping that it would also alleviate this unbound anxiety, but nothing changed.

It wasn't until she reached the kitchen for breakfast that she began to understand the source of her anxiety. Wanda was angrily muttering curses in her mother tongue, aimlessly waving her spatula around in the direction of the TV that was quietly playing the morning news, and getting batter everywhere.

"Can you fucking believe this?" Wanda scoffs, Natasha quickly moves around the angry Sokovian, avoiding the flying batter and approaching the TV so that she could draw up an understanding for her best friend's unbridled anger.

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending right to abortion upheld for decades

The emboldened headline reads as it trails across the screen, causing a new wave of pain to suddenly crash over the former assassin deep seeded trauma being brought back to the surface without relent.

"No, I can't!" Pepper seethes as she walks in, angrily slamming her sunglasses onto the counter, and meeting Wanda's fierce gaze.

"Yeah, this is going to ruin so many young mens lives." Tony adds, and the women all turn to him with unchallengeable glares, causing the man to slowly back himself out of the kitchen with his hands raised in surrender.

The women continue to discuss the many implications of the ruling, how traumatic it's going to be for so many, and in many other ways deadly.

Natasha just sits there silently, no longer really feeling the pains of hunger, but also not really trusting her legs to get her back to her room. Flashes of her time in the red room continue to play in the back of her mind as she listens in.

Natasha's no stranger to the conversation at hand, she remembers a time when she had actually been "pro-life." Natasha's stance at the time was entirely rooted in the trauma of never having been given the choice to begin with.

The right to be a mother, should she dream it—which she did—was stripped from her before she'd even reached her adulthood. After many thoughtful debates with her only adversary at the time, and his wife Laura, she began to change her tune. The realization finally hitting her one day like a semi truck that what she was so vehemently protesting against was what she deserved all along.

The right to choose; to make the decision herself.

To have a right over her body and how it was to be used.

The simple common sense prospect that the government should have no say in the matters of what a person chooses to do with their body.

The right to medical anonymity..

"We should go to a rally." Wanda says, catching the redheads attention.

"I'm already on it! The Avengers backing a cause like this will hopefully have some sort of positive influence." Pepper mutters, leaving the kitchen at once with her phone to her ear, and a plan in her heart.

Wanda turns to face Natasha, shocked by her lack of engagement seeing as how the redhead is almost always quick to join in on such topics.

"Oh Nat..." Wanda coos, realization suddenly hitting the witch, and it's only then that Natasha also realizes she was crying.

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