Bloody Hell of a Mess

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"Oh my god you're bleeding!," Natasha shrieks as she enters the kitchen to find you hovering your injured hand over the sink., "How the hell did you do that?," she continues while making her way over to assess the damages, and she's nearly fainting as she takes note of the deep gash, her eyes quickly bore into yours next, effectively making you nervously shriek out a response., "I was trying to cut the tomatoes!"

Natasha's brows furrow while her hands take a fresh dish towel to apply the necessary pressure to your bleeding wound. The pain is rather blinding, causing you to slightly sway in your spot, and that's when Natasha uses her other hand to stabilize your body., "Y/N.," she calmly mutters your name, you look up to her nervously as you're unsure what Natasha you are about to get here., "Why were you cutting the tomatoes and not Wanda or Bucky? You know, the ones who actually cook dinner here."

"I-I was trying to help Wanda, she seemed stressed, and so I offered to be her sous chef.," you mumbled your answer so quietly that the redhead hardly heard you., "Come again?," you looked up to her with your lip trapped between your teeth, and her surface level anger melted at the adorable sight of your nervous state., "Detka, you know there's a reason you're not one of the chef's here.," she softly cooed before swiftly pecking at your lips to get you to release your lower lip., "That reason being your stunning ability to burn water, and apparently now to chop your hand up along with the tomatoes.," she chuckled when you tried to lean away from her, the embarrassment clear as day on your face., "Natty, it was one time."

"One time is too many.," she reasons while pulling your body closer to hers, and you can see the genuine concern she carried for you beneath her usually guarded eyes, "Let's get you to Bruce now, then if you're good we can cuddle in bed until you're feeling better.," you sighed, knowing that fighting her would get you nowhere so you nodded your acceptance.

Wanda then entered the kitchen at the worst time, approaching the cut tomatoes and shrieking at the sight of your blood all over. Natasha was quick to stop you from talking, the need to keep you focused on your hand was imminent., "Hey Wands, use the black card to just order takeout tonight, Y/N here was given privileges she never should've been.," the witch grimaced once she took in the sight of you, the way you looked of a wounded puppy made her heart skip, and she also found Natasha's calm to be nothing to take for granted., "Sounds good to me, I'll just clean this up and order some Chinese food since it's your guys favorite.," Natasha smirked at the relative easiness of the situation, knowing good and well that even if Wanda would win in a fight, she was still fearful of the former assassin.

Wanda sent you an apologetic smile when you walked by her sniffling, the bloodied towel a reminder to never you near the knives again. Natasha was also quick to whisper said reminder to her, the softness in her voice was a faux offer of comfort, because the truth in her words was that the witch got off lucky this time. Natasha escorted you to Bruce, who with one silent nod from the redhead knew to get to work on fixing you up. She held your good hand, allowing you to squeeze hers whenever a stitch was too much to bare, and she kept her comments to herself about how soft you were.

After all was said and done you were her precious little baby, a fierce avenger by day, but by nightfall you were a soft little cuddle bug. Every time you'd inevitably come home injured she'd revel in the cuddling to come after she knew you were going to be okay. So just as soon as Bruce gave you the all clear she was carrying you out of the medbay bridal style. Passing the kitchen she expertly grabbed the bag being extended her way, and carried you along with the takeout up to your shared room.

Natasha settled you on the bed, stopping briefly to kiss your cheeks since you whined at the loss of her warmth. The adorable pout you wore always warmed her heart, knowing that she brought you as much comfort as she did never failed to make her feel contentment. Loving you had been by far her favorite thing that life ever threw her way, so as she held you close, scooping your go to chow mein into your mouth, she thanked the world for another day that she got to spend cherishing your life.


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❤️ Kaitlyn 😍

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