Labor Pains

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Ever since you'd become pregnant, your powers had been all over the place as your hormones clearly had their influence upon them. Something as simple as the impending rain had the potential to make you burst into tears, as if you were meant to be empathetic to the precipitation.

When you were to bid your sister and wife goodbye this morning, you'd actually begged them not to go. Your gut was telling you today would come at a high cost. They'd simply waved you off, as they knew your powers had been playing games on you as of late. They told you that it was a simple information extraction, they promised to have each others sixes, and kissed your cheeks as they'd left.

The only thing that information really did was to leave you worried for what might be coming your way. You weren't due for another three weeks, so they really were eager to go, as this was going to be their last mission for awhile. You'd been slightly envious at first honestly, as being pregnant left you benched, but you were more than excited for motherhood so it became easier over time.

As your morning progressed, and the afternoon approached, the feeling hadn't subsided, then a blinding pain hit in your abdomen, briefly crashing over you all at once. Realization washed over you, and you just knew something was wrong internally.

You wobbled to the medbay in search of literally anyone, and to your relief Cho had been in. As soon as she saw you, she'd smiled your way, and then it dropped when she saw your face. You'd touched your belly and a terrifying image had flashed through your mind. All you could see was blood, a deep crimson hue completely flooded your mind, you heeded the warning and cried out in fear.

"Help me..."

She was at your side in the blink of an eye, before settling you in a wheelchair, and loading you into a car to take you to the hospital. Fortunately for you they knew her there, so there was no questions of your sanity, or brushing you off as if you were just a panicked mom who spent too much time on WebMD.

As Natasha and Wanda navigated the hallways, it had been going rather smoothly. Until Natasha accidentally stubbed her toe, and nearly toppled over, and Wanda couldn't help but to laugh.

"I've seen you get shot and barely flinch, but a toe to the wall nearly takes you out? Y/N clearly did have a reason to be worried." Wanda muses, as she walks a few paces ahead, laughing maniacally.

"No, she should be worried that your laughter will get us caught, pipe down." Natasha growls, as she speeds by her and into the control room.

Comfortable silence falls over the best friends, as Natasha gets to work, while Wanda stands guard against the empty halls. Several minutes had gone by, as Natasha had began crumpling paper, and shooting it into various bins across the room, tapping random keys whenever necessary. Wanda had watched in amusement, wondering how her level headed sister had ended up marrying such a child.

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