Liho to the Rescue

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The Avengers were honestly perplexed by you, they'd yet to get much of anything out of you on as to why you were in a Hydra cell, but the longer they observed you in one of their own they were slowly realizing you weren't a threat.

Everyday without fail you'd wake up smiling, you'd write thoughtfully in the journal Wanda gave to you after you politely asked for it during what was meant to be an interrogation, then you'd partake in a detailed yoga routine before indulging in the served up breakfast.

One of them would bring you the food, usually Wanda as she wanted to see if you enjoyed it. But on the occasion you'd be met with the ever so stoic Black Widow, you'd heard about her in the time you spent held captive by Hydra, but upon meeting her you found yourself relaxed.

Nothing about her really scared you, every time she tried to intimidate you in the interrogation process all you'd ever do is softly smile at her. It left her infuriated, but in the same turn rather curious, usually the soft ones like you were the easiest to break, so she believed you might've had something dark to hide. Just to change her tune every time she was in charge of observing you through the monitors, you were just so docile, and incredibly kind when anyone would stop by your cell for any reason.

There was just something innately soft about Natasha that left you feeling safe in her presence, like no matter how hard she tried to scare you, you knew she wasn't going to harm you. Behind all of the steel walls she put up you could tell she loved curling up beside the fireplace with a book the same way you once did before your life was stolen from you.

Today was a bit different than normal though, you woke with a start at 6am when alarms began to sound all throughout the compound. Your normal smile was wiped away as fear held you in its grasp, the idea that Hydra had shown up to take you back left you petrified. Now, if you knew the truth you'd probably laugh, but in the moment all you can do is sob into your knees and hope your fears were unfounded.

Natasha had been left in charge of you today, Wanda grimaced at the thought of leaving her in the kitchen, but the mission today required her powers, and someone had to stay with you. Most of the team voted for the widow because they could tell she had a soft spot for you, the same way you showed a liking to her, and that's how she found herself in the kitchen burning the eggs and toast she wanted to serve you.

The third party in the mix is where things get interesting though, Natasha had been in such distress over having to be alone with your life in her hands that she left her bedroom door ajar. A mischievous pair of green eyes sparked at the opportunity, and within seconds of her departure her dark as night feline made a break for it, and stealthily hid in the shadows.

"This place is freezing."

The hair on the back of your neck stood up at the voice intruding in your mind, it was oddly deep, and you were about ready to jump into a fighting stance until you locked eyes with a cat.

"Ooh a girl, this must be who Natasha talks about every single night, she is indeed pretty."

"Thank you.," you replied to the cat, and you giggled when his back arched protectively., "I'm more than my looks kitty.," you winked, then lowered yourself besides the glass near the cat., "I am also blessed with the ability to hear your unfiltered thoughts, and to reply."

"That's odd.," he mused, and you only nodded., "Well, I'm Liho Romanoff, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.," you smiled., "Y/N"

"Did you set off those alarms?," Liho tilted his head in offense., "Absolutely not, she doesn't even know I'm out.," you bit back a laugh, of course the spy has a equally as stealthy cat as a pet., "That's the fire alarm, she was left to cook for you, promise me you won't touch it please."

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