Unscripted *SJ*

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Today was the last day on a Marvel set for you, at least that's what the audience is meant to believe after the scene you're shooting today. There's talk of bringing you back for the final film of Phase 2, but for now you'll be leaving due to other projects you'd been slotted to be working on. It was bittersweet, you'd been working closely with all of these people for six years now, and saying goodbye never was easy.

Scarlett was truly the most heartbroken when you told her that you'd be parting ways. She was your scene partner, the chemistry was palpable, and that translated into every press junket. Whenever a project was rolling the two of you were attached at the hip, and on the off months the two of you would manage to link up at random. A lunch here, a mutual party there, and in all the time the two of you spent together you'd found your heart was breaking every rule you ever set for it by falling for her.

Scarlett was a beautiful woman, inside and out. It's not a shock to you that you fell, but she was forbidden, like the apple in the garden of Eve. For most of your time getting to know one another she'd been married, so when she got divorced shortly after Age of Ultron you were stunned, then you were almost hopeful. It's not that you were going to shoot your shot, but before you could even ponder the silly idea she was already talking to another. It truly broke your heart, and Scarlett was none the wiser to your feelings, but she did feel your hurt at the time since you spent all your time avoiding her.

When she finally confronted you at Comic Con a few years ago she could see you weren't doing well, all her anger faded instantaneously, and all she did was pull you in for a tight embrace. Since then you've remained inseparable, you decided to allow her to love you the way she could, and your heart would just have to deal. Still, you are good at keeping your guard up, and that's why you began going to auditions. You didn't have a contract with Marvel like the original six did, you were actually only meant to be in two films, but the chemistry between you and Scarlett secured you a stable role.

Seeking another opportunity felt deceptive to you, Kevin took that chance on you all those years back, and because of your inability to squash your feelings down you betrayed him. You guess he kinda already knew why , because when you told him you were unavailable for the next year it didn't seem to shock him. Instead he gave you a sad smile as he wished you well, and vehemently reminded you that you'd always have a home with Marvel.

Right now you were sat in the makeup chair, getting a fancy face painting as they were giving the illusion that you'd been involved in a scuffle., "Y/N/N, are you sure you have to go?," the blonde, who sat next to you in her red wig, and selected outfit whined, her lips jutted out into a pout that had you mirroring the sad expression., "Yes Scar, for the millionth time, I have to go, I don't think I can turn down the projects I already signed on for.," you chuckled, but truthfully neither of you were amused.

Scarlett settled into her chair with a huff, she never understood why you'd been auditioning in the first place. Of course other projects were fine in the off seasons, but to go out and find ones during Marvel's shoots was ridiculous. She knew you well enough to know something had happened to make you decide to leave. She'd just never considered it was a person, and moreover she never considered herself.

The both of you traveled onto the set together, her hand held tightly to yours, your heart ached at the innocent affection, because it would never mean to her what it did to you., "This is our last scene together Y/N/N.," she whispered, the melancholy obvious in her tone. Lightly you'd squeezed her hand for comfort, and she smiled gratefully., "Yeah, so let's give the fans everything they want."

A clap brought you out of your bubble, you looked up to see one half of the Russo's staring at you and Scarlett expectantly, and once the both of you gave your attention to him he began to instruct the scene., "Okay ladies, remember, you're in the process of making your great escape before Ross could capture you, but Elvira is rather hesitant to leave with Natasha, and this dissension erupts in a fight to end their ties.," you nodded at Anthony, then turned to Joe who had something to add., "Y/N, Scarlett, you have dialogue, but please feel free to improvise, we are in no rush today since this was the final scene, and it would be nice to see you two give this a genuine go.,"

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