...I'm Yours Part 2 *SJ

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It's been about six months since the party and Scar's decided that she wants us to be a secret outside of the cast and crew for now. I was on board at first, but I'm tired of sneaking around just to see her. We haven't even been on an official date ... Now that it's press season for Endgame I have to see her without being able to touch her or love her. I'm barely even near her. It's becoming exhausting... Whenever we're together it's good, it feels right, she's nothing less than perfect with me. I just can't shake the feeling of her being embarrassed of me.

I hate the waking up alone...

"Y/N, everyone's curious, are you seeing anyone?" The interviewer asks me, pulling me out of my shame spiral

I can see Scar tense up and I just smile brightly at the woman.

"Who's everyone?" I ask jokingly trying to deflect

"Me, for one." She winks then continues with

"Most of your fan girls. Ever since your break up the worlds been curious."

"Well, no! I'm focusing on me at the moment." I lie since Scar wants to remain hidden

"Sounds healthy! Well, just know, the world's waiting for you."

"Good to know." I reply with a smile, and send a wink to the camera

I can feel a few pairs of eyes on me, but I just can't find it in me to care.

Scar's POV

My blood's boiling, I have no right to be mad but I can't help it either. Hearing Y/N say she's single stings, but her subtle flirtatious tone just made it hurt more. I didn't intend for us to stay a secret this long, but it just kinda happened this way. I got so comfortable with having her all to myself, but I'm afraid I'm making her insecure. She lied so easily...

"Well thank you guys so much for joining us this evening. The fans and I look forward to seeing you all in Endgame shortly." The interviewer concluded.

I look over to see her approach Y/N and I can't stop the anger building up inside.

"Y/N! We need to get going, we have another interview to get to and we're sharing a driver!" I lie out of my ass trying to cut this interaction short

"Okay Scarlett, sounds good. I'll be right there" she responds not sparing me a glance.

She turns back to the interviewer to kindly acknowledge her and say goodbye. I just strut out and wait backstage. I'm absolutely terrified I've messed up, I've waited so long for her to be mine, I can't just lose her now...


We don't have an interview... I know she's just trying to keep me away from this woman but that's tough shit. If I'm "single" I guess I have to play the part. She gave me her number, and I just stared at it.

Scar and I moved so quickly I didn't even consider other options were out there. I got so used to being controlled by Macy I forgot myself. I forgot I had a voice. I'm not regretful of Scar and I jumping into it. I've loved her for so long. I've always been hers, I'm just not sure that she's mine. This numbers unusable, I'm in it for the long haul with Scar. It's just nice to be reminded that others see me. To remind me that I am allowed to tell Scar exactly how much this whole thing hurts.

"Let's go!" I reply with an emotionless tone as I walk backstage to collect Scar

"Okay." She replies timidly as she sees the paper in my hand and I saw her face drop.

The car ride back to Scar's is silent, I stare out the window trying my hardest to keep it together. I can tell that she's scared, worried I might leave. I can also see she's furious, but it's the silent kind which frightens me.

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