Chapter 14 - Tuskus

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After the ship started to get back in order. As the inhabitants would come to see that the semi-humans(Pantao) as they termed them to be as normal in their new life. As while they were introduced as temporary that they would come to be quite integral to the fleet as a whole as they would soon enough had come to adapt to this world and often then not were also quite agile and strong. As some of them had claws that lets them climb on the sides of the hull making them ideal to clean off the many sea creatures that had come to cling towards the iron side of the ship. Making it heavier in return while also being quite eager to fight back against the various sea monsters that came to be. 

While some would come to become quite close. Some would become friends and some being more closer then that. All in all they would come to understand the world more as they heard the many tales of this world. As it seems that they had travel far and wide and with that they would come to talk about their experiences in regards to the worlds that they had seen and passed through their journeys. With some of them telling of how their parents were able to go toe and toe against the terrors of this world. 

Sadly their nomadic nature made them quite susceptible to individuals that saw them as pawns in a game that they knew nothing about. Causing them to be part of losing wars, genocides, slaughters and chaos. One that made them quite feared and hatred to the point that they needed to leave from one kingdom to another. Scapegoats for the best of occasions but, they told more of tales of how they were made to be the targets of mad men and ambitious people. Yet their nomadic nature and the hope of a permanent world was one that they bonded with one another. A common affliction and how the fear of having one of the most power faction and entity trying to hunt them down was something that they did come to found as quite common for the two. 

Since they would say that this land was like the others. Different but, ultimately the same with the blessed ones being the most dominate. Thought as they worked on and started to figure out how the humans operate they would tell them of races like them of an end that they would not say. Of course, as they continued on to work they would become quite known and accepted as part of the crew of the Tamaraw or that of the fleet.  As they seem to be quite eager to travel them then to split off and separate as they continued to do the commissions tasked with them and helping to make the fleet a better. As their abilities were vital and as to the thrill of the badjao they were perfect at spotting and classifying the fauna and flora that one could come across as they dive within the vast ocean as they spear fish in order to feed the fleet.

Though as it for today the admiral would take a crack at the prisoners as he wanted to know just how eager and up he was with regards to all of this and more. As he would be with his aides knowing that he needed to be abandoned or put to work since the ten were siphoning their resources as they kept him alive and well and such he would come in with a serious look to see the free loaders. "New guy Tom?" Asked by the man in return as he was talking with the guard which soon enough stood up and let him get to the interrogation seat. 

"Your landlord actually." He replied while the guard soon enough went to the side as it was clear that he was quite scared. One that made him see that this was the man that likely was to decide about his fate and those that still remained as he soon enough went on and started to show him the strange blackish rectangular that displayed his face and his appeal. Unsigned and from the looks of it with a series of symbols that seem nothing more but, scribbles to him but, from the looks of it he saw a striking similarity to the languages the duwendes spoke out. "Privateers for the empire I see.." he said knowing that it could be a problem. "Empire?" The man replied to the four armed limbed creature. "No." He said before sighing knowing that was terrifying. "No explanations requires credits right?" He teased as he rubbed his lower arms while he kept his upper set of arms to his sides as he wanted to earn his keep like the tiny little damn kids running around and delivering the guards with drinks and such. 

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