Chapter 42 - Hausen Siege part 3

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Having the walls collapse the enemy would have soon enough started to advance towards the walls. As men armed with M4 and Steyr Augs as they rushed into the disoriented guards. Stabbing them with bayonets or their own kris as they rush into the fray. With groups of 4 the invaders would soon enough gun at the people manning the walls as they capitalized on the confusion and the fear from the defenders. Finding success as their rifles fired true hitting them as they barely gotten out from the debris which due to the smoke from the carnage would barely be able to see the upcoming soldiers. 

Yet as they advance they would only be met by the defenders ire and wrath. "REMEMBER THE TEN." One of the horsemen screamed as they set their sights within one of the soldiers whom had just emerged from the wreckage of the walls. A sentiment his target would never found out the meaning as he lined his crossbow towards his head. "Don't rush in!" One of the men behind him ordered from him only to hear the heavy strings of the markman's weapon before letting a large bolt smash into the invaders face's sides and pushing him downwards as the heavy bolt ended his life. 

"Attack!" His comrade spoke out as he witness his fellow end yet as he looked at the direction on which found its mark. "Co..." He barely was able to say before bolt pieced his lung throwing him to the sides as he found a bunker staffed with the primitives that he was led to believe. As the same primitives had been able to create a defence specifically made for them. "Burn them!" He could hear before a small darken pot smashed near him. An item that shattered to pieces near him before spreading the same stains they found in the burned convoy. 

As after that more of his people would come but, instead of go to the open they would take cover but, as they did they did they would hear the forceful movement of string as a a arrow came out one of which had slammed into the person's body one of which started to burn as white linen covered in an odd oily substances would soon enough start to engulf to heat up producing enough to soon enough burn the linen and soon enough the uniform of the combatant which soon enough started to darken the man's skin as fire soon enough spread. 

Worst of which was when the fires spread to his hair as it release a pungent smell akin to rot before the flames caught ablaze more when the fires made contact with the black substance that had splattered all around the walls. All of which would serve to demoralize and even make the enemy hesitant to advance or suffer the pungent smell and the flames wrath. A scene that gave the defenders time to sort out or even get themselves reinforced against a renewed attack in the future. 

Yet this stalemate would reach the commander's ears and upon hearing it made the order to deploy the APCs and the sappers equipped with their new experimental rams. One of which was now rushing towards the gates on which the defenders were trying to fight off the men tasked with opening the gates. "We need the gates open or else we won't have vehicle support!" He yelled out not knowing of the coming trap laid for him. As while he could see his people fighting and was pushing the creatures from the guard house whom they defended with all of their might. Slipping arrows from slits and even plunging their spears and halberds into the passageways on which the enemies would come into. A resistance that degraded and even made the human's weapon's useless as when one fired their rifles in such enclosed locations that they would suffer the same terror their enemies faced as those that were infront of such a attack would duck or even unconsciously duck down for cover. 

Yet as the APC had gotten into range of the gate and the sapper teams were already using their experimental rams to beat down the gates if needed would soon enough see their comrades from the stills and even the windows of the gate all of which were looking at them and begging for assistance. Making the gun from the top of the APC to soon enough raise up before aiming and firing with the help of their radio teams within the gate houses. As when the soldiers would retreat giving the garrison some time to relax they would soon enough see that it would not last as the mounted cannon would soon enough fire sending a round into the walls and towards the opposite as it rained down fire making sure that it would not damage the mechanism as the defenders couldn't do anything but, retreat back to the walls as the commanding barrage continued. 

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