Chapter 5 - Hidden truths

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It didn't take too long for him to get back to the surface with many of the other admirals going in and out of stores within the runway at that. All of which were trying their best to get the things that they lacked from weapons, food items and most of all medicine. Thought he had done his task he would still look around and see to it that he wouldn't pass out of a good item at that. As he looked around and saw many items but, aside from a generator and such there wasn't much that they needed as such he ended it and soon enough came towards his new merchant which soon enough smiled and gestured to him to come towards him. 

"Well if it isn't my new master." He said with a smile as he shown him that he had made his ghosts disappear one that made him nod knowing that his investment would have likely done well with his help and with him already packed out Joe would smirk. "I can't wait to let you see a whole new world and experience from my connections." He spoke out as he hinted that he might have known about something valuable especially how he was following a young admiral it seems that he needed protection no matter how small he could provide which made him quite suspicious as he looked at his shop and saw that it was rather empty. 

"Took you guys long enough now lets go most of the stuff is back in the old ship so don't bother having to take that small boat with you think of it as a gift." he spoke out with glee as he led them towards where his ship was. Revealing a large landing craft anchored nearby which was filled to the brim with his wares and goods. From food items packed in coolers who siphoned energy from that of the sun and guns stored in padlocked lockets along with a metal containers as the four would come in they would see that despite the rust it still worked well. "Old reliable I call him Joe junior." He spoke out as he patted at the rusty sheets that plugged the rusty hull as he shown them that despite the size he was making it work out well. "Where is the crew?" Asked Jazzy. 

"The crew's all here of course." He spoke out as he pointed at them. "What?" He replied to the mad man's words knowing that it doesn't make sense. "Don't look at me like that its obvious that my crew left me I mean look at the other stalls you saw there are alot of people with them." He said while he saw that he only had him which was odd for a captain at that. "Anyway deal is a deal I'll work for you and you invest in me." He told him making him sigh knowing that this was not exactly what he had in mind but, soon enough accepted knowing that he was useful especially his craft could be of use with the refugee crisis at that. 

"You heard the man." He said as he looked at his aides knowing that he can't exactly let him go knowing that he was loaded for a mere lone captain and the food here seems oddly fresh as he looked at the man knowing that they were quite well tended and it was not just lettuce or water extensive crops that could be seen in a hydroponic room as he saw a multitude of other food items that needed good soil to grow especially when he saw the rice bags. Thought his questions could be answered afterwards as he allowed him to think that he was some fool as soon as they re-joined the fleet that they would interrogate him knowing that he was making the impossible happen at that.

"What is your story?" He asked of him now that the two were busy tending to the ship and preparing that he soon enough looked on wanting to know if he was as he said he was. "Nothing special just a merchant born in the sea and destined to die at sea." He said as he prepared everything. Looking at the dated aged vessel at that as he couldn't imagine why such a vessel was still sea worthy and how he could afford the goods he had with such a machine. 

As most of the ship was still analog which explained how it still survived but, to be able to keep on working despite its age was something that made him curious but, it wasn't that it was uncommon for desperate people to make things work. As such he would dismiss it coupled with his desire to wrap things up that he was rather eager to finally get back home and make some changes to the plan as most were already prepared for the departure but, at the same time he did think that there could still be improvements to be had. 

Plus if there was a massive monster then he knew that they would need time to deal with it hence, he had some time to waste after all of his duties for the day were done. As such when he saw the fleet coming into view he would soon enough feel a tap on his shoulder as they pointed at the aircraft carrier one that had a massive stack of smoke coming out of it. "Its hit." One of them spoke with fear and unease in his voice. "Yep seems like they moved." He said before soon enough saw just how bad all of this was before they soon enough saw green flames emerging from the deck. 

"What?" He said before pulling out his sword out. "Don't worry they aren't the bad guys." He said before he soon enough moved on looked at him and his men which soon enough pulled out their weapons yet soon enough saw him move as they saw him change his form into a synthetic humanoid. One with four arms and made with a material similar to the one that he saw from that of the gate. 

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