Chapter 22 - Pintado's Landing

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As the fleet moved ever closer to the horizon that Adhika would be counting on her people to make sure that they did well out there. As the crew were doing their job with getting them onto the beach while she and her people were making a plan of action. "Counting all of us here we have a total of 30." She said as she was eager to assign leaders and to set up a makeshift site to process and record any request at that. "Ok since we have this ship we will be making it as our main base while we will plan accordingly to how many sites the marines had secured." She said knowing that she wasn't sure if they could use the tablets on land and away from the fleet but, she was quite impressed when she saw the wires that laid onto the waters likely connecting the fleet to that of the marines back on land. 

As they saw the mythical rainbow trees rising from the ground and up to the heavens with their assorted flora colouring this new home of theirs. As she was quite worried knowing that the lands were never favourable but, always fair. A set of unspoken rules but, one that they knew plenty at that. Ones of which were quite common sense in a way but, had gave them plenty of ways to survive in the past.

As such Adhika was already taking this chance to organize and make them able and capable for what was to come. "Large trees, lands likely filled with a thick layer of tree bark and roots and finally openings within will be quite good for a makeshift base." She said making some assumptions but, at the same time she did need to make sure that they could get as much requests as they could to earn their own lands and their places from now on. As they saw the large cliffs that separated the beach from that of the lands as she saw how her people marvelled at the idea of this new home. 

"Its here." One of them spoke out as they hugged the edge of the boat as they looked on with glee at their new beginnings. A proper home and one that will allow them a chance to finally start and settle down without the problem of being rooted out by a distant kings, queens, presidents, or tyrants to fulfil an agenda or a will that they had no way of contesting or be able to correct. As such being welcomed here and allowed to even make a home was rare for them. A chance to become equals with what was the dominant species as they did their best to secure this plot for their own. 

All in all once they saw the BRP Tagbanua beached  on the shores of their new home. One that had set up a small port and even some fortifications but, it was clear that they were shaping up the landing for future colonists to come. As she saw the crew of the Tagbanua hailing them as they signal to them to get land just near them. One of which they were preparing to do as they prepared their bags. 

For most of the anitos they were getting ready to finally get back to land. One of which they had never seen for months since their capture but, now as the ship neared the shores of their new lands that they were all having their bags with them as the ship gotten up towards the beach and landed. All of them seeing the ramp infront of them lowering revealing the crew welcoming them along with Carl who had become quite famous since his actions back in the flesh ship before hand. 

As such when they saw him that many would rush towards him quite eager to cosy up to the young commander. As it was clear from the looks of it that he and some of his men were famous enough for them but, after some calming down by that of Adhika that she would come to talk with the commander. "Thanks for that and thanks for answering our call." He said out in return knowing that they were in need of their help knowing that one of the expeditionary forces had not come back and he was starting to become quite eager to bring them back home. 

"We will help." She said as she was eager to get themselves ready for what was to come as she took out her tablets and see that it was working still making her happy before he went in. "We have coverage in this general area sadly our base will not have any signal." he muttered at that making her nod knowing that they were going to be likely having to keep the tablets on them just for safety purposes. Thought it was clear that they would likely have to make sure that they help out plenty in order to claim their lot. 

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