Chapter 35 - Hausen Exodus

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"I see." Spoke Karduke following the idea that there will be more of them coming. As was said by the runner that had come from the saboteurs from the front. As he knew of the lady and her idea of conflict being quite brutal even for him. The use of POW to spread terror and even confusion before an raid was quite something that she had been quite effective in its use for. 

A tactic that was devoid of honor but, as he saw the humans had none in the first place as evident by their looting of horns and that of their eagerness to spare none in return. Thought he was quite impressed that they were able to burn a few encampments already and the information that she sent forth was quite valuable knowing that the humans did not bother to censor their letters giving them quite a visible painting of their strategy in the east. 

Thought as it was he knew that word of them would likely change that soon enough. "Tell the men that its time." He spoke out knowing too well that it was finally up for them to make the preparations faster. As trenches had take up what was once residential buildings and much of the homes were converted into a small bastion. One that was shown to them by the two in their question of creation fighting positions within the various locations at that. Some of which they had made it so that it would collapse or collapse their backs creating a kill zone as they deploy the newly made repeaters on which were deployable turrets that rapidly fired large bolts effective in clearing out men from their small positions. 

Of course there were the cloth that hanged above their defensive positions all of which to deny their scouts the opportunity to accurately see their numbers and how prepared they were. Of course there was the pitch thrower which their secret weapon one that shot up burning pitch from a distance and in a safe position. 

"The first and second defensive lines are finished and we are half way through the third and fourth." One of the military engineers had spoken while he would look at him knowing that there was much that they needed to do but, for now they were still not in siege meant that they were primed and poised to keep this up for as long as they needed to. 

"Good and the food situation is good as well." he replied before he heard a familiar voice behind him as Tuskus would come in with Jasmine whom had much to take to about. "Lead two of our fastest and report to me if we found their main force as for the defences make sure that the harbour is impossible to crack." He spoke out knowing that if the worst happened then keeping the habour safe was one of their most important points that they must hold second only to the keep on which most of their planning and their coordination would take place. One on which two of his followers would nod in return before he turns to the two whom likely had much to ask. 

"Where is she." Asked Tuskus now having been able to pick out a bit of their language after having to make do without the help of his three companions. "She's out there." Spoke Jasmine already knowing that the lady would have went back to her old ways after the revelation back at that time. "Alone!?" He asked mad at the idea before he saw the commander look at him. "Tell him this." He spoke out to Jasmine as he knew what they were talking about in return. "Your mistress volunteered and you have no say in this matter.. Do your job navigator and hope that your mistress is as capable as she promised him to be as he passed the letter to Jasmine whom told him his words only to read and look on with fear at what it told. "She is making a run to the capital... To kill Kai the one that made the engine." She told him with a hint of fear and most of all worry which made the navigator slam his fist on the war table. 

"We are not mercenaries." He said in a mixture of the two's language. "If you are worried about her then you should not have hidden your abilities green one." He spoke out as he left them knowing that he has a siege to prepare for. "Wait the ships are ready.. I requests men and a map." He said out in return knowing that for his friend's and his sake that he must bring his mother back and also because he wanted her to be safe.

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