Chapter 24 - Expedition Crisis

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After being stranded within the rainbow forests for several days the expedition had come to settle in within their new base called the hollow tree. One of which pays respects to the tree that not only sheltered them but, also kept them safe and secured. As it was because of it they had survived the onslaught of the spiders who left them the next day likely to come back to their hives yet the hunts didn't stop but, without the usual frenzy and the tree now much more fortified it helps in keeping their lives within the rainbow forest safe and secured. Yet as Luna went on to help out in the creation of barricades and some traps that they would come to see that the spiders had mostly stopped.

Along with the fact that many of the Pips had left shortly after they were surrounded though much of the expedition loved them they knew that they had to escape for their own safety. Making most of them decide that they wanted to search for their own later after the forest was safer.

Some of which looked on around them while some were making traps within the forest near them. One that made Luna sigh knowing that they were being trapped and corralled like cattle for the slaughter yet she held hope that they could get out of her. As while the hollow tree was their refuge they had come to reclaim some parts of the outside as their new home. With some creating fox holes that connect back home as they hauled pieces of the bark that they carved out as they created bunkers of their own against the watching spiders around them.

Yet because of this vigilance the majority of the people would be working to expand and even create places on which they could fall back in once the swarm returned. As such they had dug down and carved into it several rooms on which they could escape while the entrance was made to be smaller enough to funnel in the spiders. Of course such changes were subjected to the nature of the tree which was surprisingly soft enough to carve into but, hard enough to prevent the spiders from burrowing a hole into in with their sharp legs. Keeping the expedition alive to learn more against this surprisingly smart enemy but, as it shown signs that it was adapting to their methods along with the fact that they had been using branches as traps or even tools.

As they placed in stakes into the surrounding locations as if they were creating a pen for them as if they were nothing more but, livestock to thicken and propagate in return. As due to their isolated nature they would have starved out but, they would see caught animals of various sizes stuck towards their emerging webbing as if they were making sure that they were fed well. One of the curiosities of these creatures as despite their lack of any vocal communications it seems that these creatures use vibrations to talk making their ability to understand meaning useless.

"Drone is busted.." Replied Angelo who sighed not knowing how they were in such a situation. "We're going to be here for a long time..." She replied from the ground as she looked around them and saw that there were plenty of them surrounding them and that all of them knew that they were being spared. "They are treating us like we are nothing more but, livestock... Do you think that they have an ability to get us out of our hiding spots?" She asked knowing that judging from how much of the wiggling animals dangling around them that they were fishing for them. 

"We're trapped and its clear that they wanted this to happen... For now I'm just glad that no one died as of now but, we have to find a way to get of here." She spoke out as she looked on around only to see more and more of the spiders weaving more of their webbing just to create a large white dome likely as a way to fence them all up and keep them in place knowing that they were in a strong spot and that they had culled a large portion of their swarm it was clear that they prompted to box them in and treat them as nothing more but, a reliable food source or to observe them. "They are smart and from the looks of it they are coordinated.. If they found the colony it would be a slaughter." he replied knowing that getting word back to command was needed and with the drone busted and with no hope of getting it repaired the fact of the matter was clear that they had to bust themselves out and find the forest home to bring news of this threat back so that they could properly address such a problematic foe.

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