Chapter 38 - Sulten

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As the refugees of Hausen near its destination and the people of the last city prepared ever so eagerly the new home of the Filipinos were bustling with activities and most of all development. As people had found their little niches and invested in all of them and more. As smaller boats had started to dot the seas near Sulten where the sea farers were able to expand the initial structures to the point that they would have visible town. 

As plenty of platforms were being formed while kids were being trained by their parents whom had tossed their kids into the cold waters. With most of them being able to swim plenty as they enjoyed the refreshing waters without the threat of ingesting something poisonous from the water as the inner districts where much of the people had settled down was currently being reinforced as per the instructions of the elders and to ensure that the more hostile fauna could never enter their watery world that Bubbled was encouraged to stay with its frame becoming massive to the point that hunting the local fishes had become less ideal and soon enough was enticed to defend the land as people offered the scraps of their meals ensuring that the creature defended their newly settled town. 

As the aforemention creature would emerge nearby as it gobbled the snack opting much of the children to go towards the massive creature whom much of the town had come to call as their own guardian and pet as the children tried their best to get ontop of the creature to the delight of their parents whom watched closely in making sure that their children are safe and sound. One that Lily would be quite happy to see as she and her bunch of anitos had settled in nicely as she was hanging out and seeing them tend to their children one of which they studied and was quite unsure if they were eager to jump in with them. 

As much of the inhabitants had started to grow their bumps with some much more evident then the others. Namely one of her friends whom had her belly bloat and with her starting to slow down as the once nimble hunter would take the chance to relax on one of the seats close to the group of anitos. 

"Seems like alot of us were busy." Teased out Piray whom was rubbing her growing centre as she was happy with what was happening. "I'm starting to grow heavier." she spoke out knowing that she was happy knowing that she was showing signs of her nearing maternity. "Congratulations Piray." She spoke out as she was glad to see the huntress happy yet heavy as they sat down on one of the platforms as they waited for their meals as some of the people had started to set up their own businesses one of which was a canteen which catered towards the people whom were just too tired to cook after a hard day's of work. 

As the group had been too busy to prepare their meals and such being able to eat something tasty and filling was what the group needed as around them were workers and people like them whom were unable to prepare and cook in time due to their pregnancies. As such Gloria's canteen was one of the rising businesses in the emerging town. One that specialized in seafood as showcased when a bowl filled with crab meat was given to Piray one of which had a side of greens courtesy of the new roots that they were growing in return. "Seems like Tom been quite busy." Spoke Gloria as she handed a large fried fish along with the said greens but, now made into a soft paste. One that Lily nodded as she knew that her hubby had been in the council all day likely to help out in regulations and to address the problem with Bubbles and if he was allowed to linger as their town's guardian. 

"Your pet has been helping out so as thanks you get alot more." Gloria spoke out letting her see that her portion was larger as she let out a chuckle knowing that for most it was deserved knowing that they relied not just on her but, her people. As evident with the growing series of tattoos that they were getting as that service was still useful albeit lesser then ever before. As they were seeing the various root crops work as the indigo root was taking quite the hold within the stilt houses and the reefs on which the land was built creating a rather impressive seastead held under order by the elders of this land. 

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