Chapter 26 - Forest Corridor

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"Hold!" Yelled out by that of Alexa as she fired into the swarm seeing how they seem endless but, as she saw it she knew that their was a way to keep them from them. As she took one of the large jars that she carried around before tossing it towards the swarm hitting it square into the middle of it only for her to see the spiders to soon enough rush off out of there as the spider that was hit would fall to the ground as it started to burn from the liquid that coated its body. Letting it flair around as the cephalothorax to soon enough be affected making two or three of its legs to grow limp before falling to the ground. 

All the while the swarm around it started to fall back as several more had the coating around their bodies but, in an amount that would keep them still mobile but, for those that had it would see themselves be fended off by the swarm as they retreated back to their trees and webbing afraid to take back their members who had the liquid with them. As the strong smell created an invisible barrier towards the spiders who feared the horrible death of one of its members. "It worked!" one of them yelled out as they saw the spiders fearfully distance themselves from the soldiers. 

"I can't believe that worked." She muttered under her breathe as she soon enough saw a wagon come in all of which were sending in plenty of bottles of vinegar all of which had been donated by the crew and much of the civilians after knowing of the fate of their expeditionary forces and a desire to wipe the eight legged monsters out of their new home. As wonder and most of all fear of the thought of massive spiders the size of horses and even houses were reported from the shores and back to their fleet at that. As such many of the citizens were now doing their best to aid the war effort and one of such efforts was the procurement of vinegar which was a good way to kill off the smaller variants back home.

"Yeah it did! Now everyone with hands pour it around the corridor but, don't get cocky stay with a partner and don't stray off the path!" Alexa yelled out as she soon enough watched from within the path as they were following the small creatures that seem to know where the expedition was. All the while Luna was back in a soft bed where she was being treated in return. All the while the pintados were being led by Lily who had issued in a request to her members who soon enough signed up as they were eager to not just earn plenty but, repay their saviors. As while most helped in fighting and securing the evacuation path. 

Yet for the others that were participating that they were doing something else as they soon enough rushed towards the dead spider before pulling it back as they were responding to the request of the scientist who were eager to experiment and see the biology of these creatures. Making Alexa to assign them some guards as they pulled with effort yet were safe due to the strong smell that the vinegar gave off while at the same time the effects of the acetic acid that burned its skin with ease. 

As after seeing it closer one of the soldiers backed off scared as he saw the carcass up close. "Damnit those are big." He said with his heart pounding from the sight of such a creature. As he watched it being pulled back by three of the Anitos who were unfazed with the said massive insect only to pull it back to the sides. "Making his partner laugh at the sudden action before she pulled him back to work. "Its fine this it why we are splashing this stuff everywhere." she replied as she rubbed the tree with vinegar before moving to another one and doing the same thing. 

Leaving a strong smell as they saw that the spiders were not daring to get close to them. All the while the fleet was collecting bottles and galloons of vinegar knowing that it was something that the people had in loads as it was easy to produce and it helped enhance the flavouring of their food items along with preservation but, having to cover the whole forest with it was a fools errant and soon enough they knew that they needed something better.

Yet as the people panicked and sent in a number of their stock to the fleet knowing that they were unlucky to end up in a forest literally filled with murderous spiders. Yet as it so happened with word of the progress getting back in that they would be getting word that the concoction was working. yet it seems that they would requesting much of the white liquid as they moved further into the forest. 

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