Chapter 2- Uncooperative Cooperation

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After several months have passed the tamaraw retrofitting was finished. With the people celebrating as the time of departure would soon enough come. As soon the people were getting ready for what was to come. As the ships that would come were all stocked and ready for what was to come. Yet instead of wasting a single meal and depleting their resources the people would part to their idols. Some they have to leave behind in this world and some small enough to be carried. As they prayed and fasted knowing that every meal that they saved up today was a meal later. 

As such Jazzy would soon enough look on his face quite in solace as the once busy and noisy port had found itself quite. The banging of hammers, the welding of steel, the bartering of plenty, and the drunken rambles a thing of the past as most have come to say their last goodbyes  within the material realm and that to their home one that was no longer able to sustain themselves but, still kept them alive until the bitter end. 

"Looks like a funeral." Carl chimes in as he looked on and sighed in return. To him it was quite calming to see that even still all the bloodshed, famines, and such people still cling to hope whatever form it may take. His uniform quite worn since he and his marines were busy training and also representing the ship as they zip on through and come to talk with their people. Wanting to foster friendship now rather then when they have their boots on the ground on the new world.

As he saw some of them raising forth an idol of what symbolizes their religion both new and old. Some still clinging to the old faith despite everything while new religions had sprung forth. "I bet that everyone has too much free time." Jazzy spoke as he looked on from on top of their deck seeing them celebrate the completion of the ship as his men were working out and making sure to be in tip top shape ready for what was to come as they prepared themselves for a voyage that would be their end of their new beginning. 

"Do you believe it?" Carl speaks as he looked on towards the people. "The gods or this voyage?" He asked replied not bothering to look at the commander of his marines. "Both." He answered as he looked at his bible an old guard to some but, for him it made sense. "I do but, to who.." He answered letting him know his stance. "All of them have a reasonable answer but, is that always the full story... Why believe in a book that never mention the lands on which you were birth?" He asked him. "You know I don't believe it a hundred percent." He replied back as he pouted at his words. "Yeah but, its quite something a festival celebrating our departure from home.. Do you think that the gods are finally kicking humanity out for trashing their home?" He asked of him as Carl saw it his fear and his uncertainty as he pondered on what to do. 

His face far from happy for what was to come knowing that a third of these people would survive the waters and those towards land even less. Thought he would only give it a small sigh before thinking that it was for the best. "Our green onboard green house should be enough for us and from the looks of it some of them have set up their own. He said knowing that some of the ships were mostly soil in the interior with a large net keeping their crops safe and far from diseases that could infect them. "That should keep us fed if worse comes to worse though water would be the problem.. We have a desalination plant but, I doubt that it would be enough." He continued on knowing that it was far too power draining for the smaller vessels and such all of them have to ration it off. 

"Lets go and inspect the men." He said as he let them have their party as he beckon him to follow as they descend. First towards the quarters where the men where as they pray just like the others with their families. "Admiral!" They hail as they stood to attention one that even their families followed as he motioned to them to go back to what they needed to do. "How are things?" Carl asked as he went towards them. "All is fine commander just praying and preparing also I thank you for this." He said as Jazzy soon enough nodded. "Its good to see that all of you are all in a good mood. " He continued as they went on back to what they were doing. Some were playing a game or bonding with their families while others prayed. 

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