Chapter 11 - Boarding

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As the two were guiding the children from the prison that they would soon enough see that the remaining crew had decided to charge. One spurned on by duty or desperation but, as Jazzy had killed the first three of them that he would see one of them raise his short spear before tossing it towards him. Managing to hit him to the sides but, was able to tilt to his sides managing to turn what could have been a fatal wound to that of a stinging wound as he was forced to have one of his hands onto the wound to stem the tide of blood that started to flow. 

Only for another to rush towards him with a sudden bound of speed before he jammed another spear towards his other side making him scream out. "Damn it." He yelled out as he rushed towards his blade before jamming it towards the thing's head killing him before pulling his lifeless body as he pulled out his gun and using the body as a stand as he aimed and fired accurately towards the upcoming crowd. 

As they threw their spears towards him only for him to be saved by the downed creature as the spears lunged itself within the mass as he fired more at the coming swarm as he knew too well that he messed up being here in the first place. All the while he continued to fired while he did his best to keep them away from them as thanks for the narrow corridor that the bodies were pilling up and keeping them from being able to get to him making it possible for him to pull himself upwards. 

All the while after some time and seeing that the kids were able to get out of there that Robin would hear the onslaught that was happening making her go to the group of children that she was escorting to hide them and keep them in one place as she made them to huddle as they heard the furry of bullets flying all over the place as they were aiming and firing at the emerging horde. Only for her to see Carl nearby as he was able to evacuate a number of the imprisoned humanoids which was cowering behind them while spears were being thrown out. Thought as it so happened when the spotlight crew were free of their duties of manning the lights that they were quite effective with their vantage point as they laid down and broke the charge. "Take this!" One of them yelled out as they saturated the horde with their machine guns. 

As it was they were gunning down the numbers as even as they hit their chest that they were able to puncture through and stop the rampaging giants. As with this Robin would rush towards the position of Carl as she led the kids towards the other freed prisoners. "Keep your heads down. " she told them all as when they were safe that she would go towards the commander. "Jazzy is struck. Save him." She worriedly told him as he nodded with a irritated look before he pointed at the staging ground behind him. "I'll do just get back to safety." He told her before he gestures for the others to come to his position while he instructed the looking MG crews to help them out as he prepared for a rescue mission. 

"Here's the deal. The admiral is trapped downwards and is in need of help. You protect that entrance and keep it safe from any of those freaks. While you will be diving down with me." He told them making them nod as they fired at the horde and marched towards the entrance while the MG supported their assault as they went on downwards to rescue their admiral. 

All the while Jazzy was wounded and bleeding out. Yet as the bodies piled up that he was able to keep them at bay as he fired at any of the hands that tried to pull the bodies down while he slowly but, surely gotten upwards. Not knowing of the situation upstairs but, knew that they were taking there time rescuing him. As he was panting and he was slowly losing his vision the longer all of this happened. 

Ironically the pain was the only one that was keeping him alive as such to the multitude of cuts and stab wounds that he had not blacked out and was overrun by the group clawing their way towards him but, as it so happened his aspiration of getting out of there was dashed when the wall of bodies had collapsed when another one of them appeared. His body clad in armor which as he fired his 9mm towards only dented it or slid on through. 

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