Chapter 41 - Hausen Siege part 2

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"Go extinguish the flames!" One of the officers spoke out as they tried to put out the flames of one of the warehouses. As him and a few more as soon enough trying their best to extinguish the flames. As the bombardment continued on spreading chaos and destruction as they continued to lower the morale of the defenders of the last city. With the extend that some of the horsemen were already evacuating from some of the strong points due to the damages while large fires had started to emerge in some parts of the city. Thought it was quite clear that because of their efforts much of the flames quickly died off when the amount of fuel that was around them had quickly died off since much of the wood was taken and shipped off to the docks where the fleet was being constructed. 

Of course it was not enough to ferry out all of them in once but, those that could get out when the time was right would give their people a chance to have their revenge. Of course some were still unsold about the supposed safe heaven that their allies proposes but, it was better then the assured nature of their destruction from the invaders. As the bombardment continued on sending round after round into the city which bellowed smoke and most of all destroyed much of the cloth barriers.

Yet the garrison reported minimum casualties. Every tunnel worked as intended and the rounds barely made a mess of their plans. Rather everything was doing better then they planned to have yet as it so happen cries of pain and terror echoed from the medical sites as the pounding continued on. Yet the routes stayed open and didn't stop. With the runners going in and out from established bunkers all of which housed officials whose purpose is to keep messages intact and ensuring that the troops were orderly. "Three warehouses near the gate has been hit." Spoke out by one of the messengers whom only get a nod as the officers took in to log such reports making sure that if they did get hit, captured or so whoever replaces them could have the same information as them. 

While encryptions were no longer needed seeing as the enemy had no idea about their language and writing systems. Yet as the tunnels shook and rumbled the pillars and supports came. As several messengers would reveal of the enemy's eagerness to keep on digging in for the siege which was the best case scenario. Knowing that they needed to keep themselves away from any vulnerable spots on which they could be killed if one round would to hit. 

As such they kept themselves in strong positions and dug outs. Those that even if they were hit directly that the ground and soil would absorb most of the impact. One of which had become a massive command bunker. One of which was impossible to be seen from afar under the watchful gazes of their enemies. As the bunker would coordinate and send out messengers to and from the frontlines ensuring that they knew of the situation. 

"defences are holding up well." One of the tikbalang officers spoke as he soon enough put down one of the leaders. As he would see that the battle plans were working and they were having less causalities then planned but, to be sure much of them were being told to keep to the tunnels. "No reports of them sending a force towards us." He said before making some alterations on the board seeing how they were doing well for the time being. 

"I expect that we have not much of a problem." he admitted as he knew that the enemy would be doing their best to just drive them out of their lands. Softening them up and ensuring that when the time to finally start knocking into their walls that they were weak by then. "lord Marlin some of our warehouses were hit but, the damage is minimal." Another scout added before he would send out a letter. "Prioritize evacuating the food and materials as prepared even if you have to use the other storages." He replied knowing the warnings of their allies about the artillery of the enemy whom if had been able to zero in on their vital networks then it would be the end of this defence making the messenger to nod in return likely to make sure that the actions said were executed as asked for.

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