Chapter 15 - Tom the fisherman

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As it was for many of the crew they would be taking a rest after the few stressful days they have on being more vigilant until they were given the signal to take a rest knowing that they had saw things that sapped them out of their strenght. Namely large aquatic monsters that seem to stalk them or even play with them while their friendly sea monster seem to be the uncaring or saw them as nothing more but, large islands inedible and not much of interest to the visionless swimmer. 

All the while the last engagement allowed them to smooth out their plans and tactics. Namely the appointment of more men towards those that shown their worth while at the same time those that lacked were soon enough sent to learn at the better captains to foster some cooperation and even a way for them to indirectly absorb their counterparts plans and attitude. As namely alot of them were all able to show their worth as one was Luna their reckless but, adaptive captain and many more who had come to see just how much they were able to match up to the needs of the ship. 

All the while the brutal companion bubbles had given them enough food and protection it seems as it seems that it was feeding on the ones that dared to come and dine on its masters. As Tom was feeding him his part of it as bubbles would be having his mouth agape one of which would have made any person quite afraid but, for Tom its master it had become quite normal and even more so adorable as the Kristooth waited with him placing the meat onto its massive mouth which it started to move away in a mocking yet playful manner as the young fisherman would play around the creature with a happy and eager smile as he soon enough went towards the waters which he soon enough patted his neck to signal to him that it was time to feed one that the creature did in order to get his attention and make him play with him as it soon enough clamped down as it soon enough dived down carrying the badjao downwards as they continued to hunt and play as he would soon enough a squid like creature appear from the waters. 

A predator from the looks of it and twice as longer then his pet from his experience made him know what to do as when Bubbles soon opened its mouth letting its serrated teeth to cut into the creature's slimy body while Tom soon enough pulled out his spear gun as the tentacles soon enough started to tangle within his companion digging into its skin as it continued its counter attack but, rather then give up he would aim before firing as it aimed at its eyes and without delay shot into it with ease making it tense up before it started to loosen while his pet clamped down and soon enough ended the creature as it crushed its beak in pieces while tenderizing its meat as it soon enough went upwards and emerging later on with the massive thing on its mouth as its ink started to leak out of its devastated body. As it took out a large piece for itself to feast upon while also hauling the remains back to their fishing boat where the fisherman would see a hand emerge from the ship's gunwale which he took letting him real himself upwards as he saw one of his new friends. 

"Work seems hard indeed." She spoke out as he emerged from the waters and back to the helm of his vessel. "Ocean is rich in prey but, that also means that the predators are plenty." He said as felt her pat his back. "Then let me help I mean for credits." She said as she smiled at him. "Yeah yeah." He said before making the commission as he grabbed his towel from her as he tapped at the tablet which was within a nylon bag strapped to the sides. With its side crack as he sent in the commission which made Adhika smile as she pulled at the carcass to the side of the ship with a eager look. 

"Squid is going to be good." She spoke out making him look at her. "Do squids exist in this world?" He asked not knowing that they have a fairly similar name to it. "Well from what I could understand its not squid as you might see it but, since your divine blessed you with understanding it would likely translate to the closest thing to it." She spoke out as she looked at the thing which looked like a squid but, as he could see its tentacles were tipped and its flesh was that of a different colour and such. Along with the fact that this thing was more aggressive and larger then the ones he was used to back home. Significantly since this thing was easily the size of a car and could easily feed families with its tentacles along one of which his pet was chewing as it savoured its meal with great eagerness while letting the rest go to the fleet. 

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