Chapter 19 - Rainbow force expedition

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With the conquest of that of the bat cavern and is now becoming a forward base that many of the marines had started to become more active as many of them would be hauling supplies from that of the Tagbanua and towards the bat cavern. As while command was making sure to make sure that things are in shape they already are starting to investigate the recent happenings in that of the bat cave along with the surviving members of the hostile bat race. Thought the situation was stable many of the bat cubs were starting to  become more unruly as it seems that with them still infants and being mammals that they needed milk ones that they did not have at the moment which could end up with a starvation event which could end with many of them dying off. As such before Luna and her men would get to truly start the expedition since they were prevented from doing so because of the branch bugs that made it harder for them to get to the forest and that it could cause some casualties. 

As such she would labour as after they moved some of the branches together and made a mark to make sure that these logs are safe that she and her platoon would soon enough make ready. "Ok we're going in." She said as she and her troops were outside of the entrance where they saw a colourful new world. One that were hidden by the massive trees as a multitude of foliage and fauna looked at them from a distance careful to not get too close to her platoon of 18 strong. 

"Ok we have four squads.. That is good... we have ammo and a useless drone operative." She teased as she looked at her second in command which sighed knowing that flying here would only end up with his drone a wreck or worse yet be rendered a chew toy for anything that could have wanted a taste of it. "Well I can see catalog things we still have my laptop." He muttered which made her nod knowing that it true. "We can't make new ones so repairing is likely the best we can do so make it last." She spoke out knowing that it had done just that for as long as it was in his position all those years ago. "Yeah yeah." He said as she looked at the rest. 

"Ok, you heard what happened yesterday giant bat monsters with sharp claws." She reminded them of the news that came. "While its not the best start we have a base of operation within this patch of greenery and I want to see it so be prepared but, with such creatures being spotted the chances that we will be sighted and treated as prey is large so I want all of you to be prepared and ready." She added as she patted the nearest tree and soon enough pulled out her knife and soon enough started to carve out a X. "So two goals for today, explore and survive." She muttered in return. As they were pumped and eager knowing that they wanted to see what this forest could provide in return. Knowing that the branches were excellent sources of wood that they were eager to find fruits which could be gigantic due to the sizes of their branches along. 

"We have enough provisions for a week so make it last while I want everyone to be vigilant and to not stray away from our group." She muttered in return as they nodded and got ready as they were all eager to start checking out and see what the forest would offer them in return. With everything in order that the expedition would finally start. With many of them seeing the marvels of this otherworldly imagine. As many of them were seeing hundreds upon thousands of exotic looking plants and fauna which continued on undeterred or uninterested in the strange looking humanoids. As she saw a spider the size of a house but, one that had massive claws which when making contact had Angelo to soon enough take as much pictures as he could from his drone and upload it into his laptop. As while he could not make it fly in fear of having the spider grab it he could still use its camera to talk pictures thought awkwardly. 

As they saw next a massive creature unlike anything they saw before. One that had tusks all over its body while moss had grown onto what seems to be scales which makes it quite the beasts but, despite its carapace the spider would spear the beast from atop. With its claws making a disgusting sound as it pierce into the unprotected top of it. As the mammal scream out in pain but, as the spider pulled him in that it would break its spine quickly killing the beasts with ease while it pulled it into its hold. While the creature that had a rhino look was done in what they deem to be one of the apex beasts of this biome. One that they called the rainbow queen which was a remark to its colourful body one that upon close inspection from the sides reveal to be a translucent webbing which it had covered its body to reflect and adopt the odd nature of its biome. While its web had almost blended into the surrounding environment with ease. 

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