Chapter 4 - World Fleet

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After being able to create a list of supplies that Jazz would soon enough tell the Americans of his purpose to come in and see about trading supplies and to attend a summit for every representative of each faction, organization or even nation to see what they have at the moment and what they could do to help out one another. As such due to how many would be coming the USS Enterprise was chosen for such a meeting place since it was large enough and that the Americans had the best facilities to host such an event. 

This resulted in many merchants of all backgrounds would be there ready to make some coin for their troubles in taking a look at the world fleet as many would have come to call it. As such he would be happy as he looked at the list as he his body was quite relax along with him adjusting the materials needed to get a large stockpile and avoid any avoidable deaths in the future.    This resulted in him soon enough sending rushing on out and soon gotten to near the massive ship which soon enough lowered one of its cranes letting him up so that he could finish his task  on the massive ship thought as it so happen he could see the portal one that was just near the Philippine Caldera and hence, why they had quite the advantage. 

This gave them the shortest route and resupply as they would likely return to funnel all of the remaining people from the isles and into their new city. As with no nation other then them have access to their ports that they have this bargaining chip and could end with them having enough meds for the entire trip and back. Thought as it was the question was how much of what medication they needed the most. As such it didn't take too long until his boat was lifted upwards by one of the cranes and he could see that the americans were still stocked full of armaments. As one side of the runway was converted into stalls and such selling and bartering gear and items that would certainly needed for such a trip. 

From small calibre weapons, ammunition, and travel supplies needed to ensure one's health for the duration of the sea voyage and back. Thought he would instruct his aides to carry their goods. One being a small group of chicks who were chirping and begging for the return of their mother along with several equipment which was not needed or too expensive to operate in such conditions. One was an rpg-2 and illegal armaments seized from the rebels years ago along with several undocumented weapons illegally taken to the ship by the members of the navy and their families. A security risk he wanted to nip the bud now then rather when its large and dangerous. Thought what he did see was unlike his the Americans seem to have a more organized situation with them. As all hands were all doing their tasks with experience and without input as if their fleet remained even after the collapse of most of the world a contrast to his own fleet which was mostly that of a militia. Thought since they scuttered them before hand and now having to raise one after the existence of the gate. 

As after a while soon enough he and his aides would soon enough come with them were the munitions that came with the weapons as he went on and decided to go to one of the merchants. "New face." A grizzly man would say as he went in. His store mostly an assortment of goods likely about the excesses of the massive ship. Thought he would look on and smile knowing that they have something more then small arms for him to look at. "Show me everything that's in this list and then we'll talk." He spoke out as his men would soon enough put down the crate one of which had their rockets knowing that this was enough for him to get everything that they could for the time being. 

"Well I have most of it." He replied as he looked on the list before soon enough rummaging from his many things around him from the small arms that littered his shop to many of the bottles of various pills hanging on the sides. "The names Joe by the way and here are the meds that you wanted but, for the more specific ones are going to be harder to find out but, show me the trade." he spoke out as he cleaned up his already messy storefront as he plenty of tents and merchants had seized the runway of the carrier to create a large market and tenement for them to use. Likely due to the fact that airplanes were primarily no longer viable and too costly to operate thought it was clear that they still had some but, their integrity and the lack of a GPS had made it impossible for them to reliably look at them hence, the change. 

Thought seeing that he had most of what he needed he now had to make sure that they could afford it. As he motioned to his crew to present their trade and soon enough had him look on. "That looks well maintained and preserve." He spoke out as he inspected the launcher and its ammunition as he was quite happy. "explosives are always good especially when coming to the unknown." He said before touching it and seeing that he was rather ok with this. "Well since you given me all of this how about I give you something nice." he spoke out before supplying him with five bottles of the last pills that they needed. 

"What I had to make sure that I'm not dealing with some poor captain no you and I will do well if you are able to provide me with this but, lets get down to business. "He said as he smiled knowing that he might be pissed but, he has to think about his business at that. One that made Jazzy quite irritated yet allowed him to speak knowing that he had saved him with what he needed and having someone with the supplies would be a welcome change for them. "Captain of the trader Joe and you list it I get it." He said with a cheery tone one that he would reciprocate with a sigh as he sat down and listened to his words. 

"Seen you come from that ship, Tamaraw right?" He said as he motioned to his head trying to remember the ship's faction at that as he knew that he had gotten his attention one that he choose not to speak as he much as he knew that he had heard about him. "What do you want?" He cut him off letting him know that he was not going to him waste much of his time. "Captain's summit got you in a rush but, it seems that you provided me with something that I have been trying to find so I'm here to offer you one of my other services." he said as he gave him a letter that reads. "Trader for hire, colonial connection and information master." 

"Give me something interesting and you will have what I have for a price." He said as he was all too happy to escape this saturated market and to have a place that he could dominate and easily monopolize all of this in return. "You have something that we might need but, how can I trust you?" He asked of him which soon enough had him sigh. "Nothing for the time being but, think of it as a investment." He replied as he soon enough shown his wares. "Plus I'm not going to move towards your cramped ship no I have a ship of my own." He spoke out as he smiled in return as he leaned in. His Olive skin and his rounded body telling him that he has the resources to keep his body as such and from the looks of it he has the things they needed. 

"I see for now prepare your goods Joe and as for that investment I brought this." He said before his men shown him the other cache which was full of small arms and ammunition. Thought at this case he could see that these were ghost guns as the serial numbers were either gashed out or non-existent in return. "Sell those and you can attach with the fleet." He said before bidding him goodbye knowing that if he was indeed as capable as he told him it was clear that he would have the skills to have his will be done. As he and his crew left to attend the summit only making him sigh as he knew that he would have to get all of this out of his hands by the end of the day so that the authorities don't pester him for having such a thing. 

All the while Jazzy and his aides would soon enough make their way deeper within the carrier as he soon enough had to make sure that they could attend this and ensure that he knew of the plan to come since the reason as to why they were not going in is because no one really knows if one can come back in and that they needed to make plans for what to do especially when a large part of the fleet has not yet come and joined the expedition. As he soon enough saw the representatives going towards a room that was soundproof and was also secured with their aides waiting which told him that beyond this point he would have to come in alone one that he did as he shown his identifications and soon enough entered seeing a room large enough to get them all seated but, also small enough for them to hear one another. 

As the commander of the Americans was already within and conversing with the other commanders and admirals. From the looks of it he was the typical old guard it seems as he looked on at the upcoming people. Some of them being that of their neighbours from the Japanese admiral coming in his face visible with age as he went to the American one while the Chinese would come and do so as well. While for several of them he could see that he wasn't the only outlier as most of the commanders were all young and inexperience likely due to the lack of need of any need of a dedicated one after the end of most organized warfare and government. 

Thought as the men were done with their talks they would sit down knowing that the others were finally done with the introductions as they soon enough decided to talk about the main topic of it all which was the gate. As soon enough once everyone that could attend was here that they would begin. All of them having a seat while the projector would soon enough come one of which shown that the American vessels were still quite powerful and well fitted for the task at hand. 

"Gentlemen as you all have heard the gate is a portal to another world one that is habitable then what our ancestors gave us." He spoke out as the projector would show them a aerial view of the gate. One that was larger then any building that they had made and from the looks of the material seem otherworldly at that. "Humanity has killed its home, its land dead and unable to do anything but, wait for a slow and painful death." he spoke out as he soon enough switched the slide towards the imagine of the statues which were visibly not human. Humanoid but, not human as we can see from the way they are depicted." He said before pressing next. "Many of us have tried to see what is at the other side only to see that most of the vessels were destroyed or damaged by an entity we call the gate keeper." He spoke out as he would show them drawing and recreations of what they thought it was from the logs and the remains of their ships at that. 

All in all they would look on with great fear with plenty already thinking that this was a waste of their time. "So its done?" one of them spoke out likely from central Asia. A landlocked nation that had to hire fishermen in order to get his people out of their inhabitable lands. "No of course not as you could see." He said as he revealed the remains of the vanguard. Their steel hulls chewed and most of all with an odd substance surrounding the chewed vessels. "We think its hurt and with our combine strength we can easily eliminate such a creature." He spoke out knowing that they had guns strong enough to penetrate steel and from the looks of it the creature had not been capable of chewing and eating whole such ships and this was likely the consequences of it eating ships full of dangerous materials. One that made them look knowing too well that this was good news thought they had to lost all of the people that was sent there in order to get this information. 

"This leads me to believe that the creature is vulnerable or also would likely avoid trying to eat our ships in return but, it would likely use its size to destroy plenty of our ships." He spoke out before crossing his hands. "Heaven will have to be fought but, know that samples and the logs had revealed that the world beyond is as promised." He said enforcing that this was a needed sacrifice at that. Causing the room to erupt with talks and discussion as people talked with one another knowing that the ones that go first would likely die off because of this. 

As they soon enough discussed on the order of the fleet. All the while Jazz would look on knowing that most that would come first would be the ones that has the most guns and the ships to lose. One that opened the gate to the new world one that his fleet would not be chosen knowing that they would likely just slow them down. thought he did want to know what this beast was in return. Eventually they would go and ask their questions and soon enough everyone would be picking up and voting who it is that they wanted to lead this. Naturally it would come to be that of the massive fleets which soon enough nodded knowing that they were the natural choices at that. 

As such with the expected outcome decided everyone would soon enough come in but, as jazz would was about to escape he would soon enough be called upon by the four. The American, British, Japanese, and finally that of the Chinese who soon enough likely wanted the ports for repairs of what would likely be a blood bath at that. 

"You might have an idea as to why this is but, we would likely need your ports." Henry said as he looked at the young admiral. "The ports would also be vital as a jump up for plenty of the other humans here." The Chinese spoke knowing that the Philippine was perfect as a drop off point for refugees around the world. "While I would agree its clear that I do not have the authority to approve it." he said out in return. "It would work better if your people would go in and ask them yourself but, know that I am just a simple commander with a simple mission and that is the protection and the ability to bring my people to paradise and such I wish you luck with whatever monster you might see on the other side." He spoke as he let them talk knowing that they might not like his tone knowing that they were more experienced and such would have been made to feel like their words were law. 

"I will be preparing my vessel and my people." He spoke out before leaving letting the four talk but, he had a odd feeling about them. As he was glad that they were the first ones to go in knowing that they were oddly too well armed for a simple colonization fleet. As if they were invading rather then just simply colonizing as if they was something different then just a monster on the other side. Namely he would walk and go towards Joe's shop knowing that he has an investment to collect as he called forth his men as they beelined it towards their merchant. 

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