Chapter 12 - First Contact

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With that the ship was stationary for the time being. All of which was keeping itself stable as it docked along a large sea spire as they figured out what to do for the time being. Seeing as the damages was minimal but, it was clear that they needed to figure out two things. The people that attacked them and the people that they rescued thought it was clear that from the looks of it they had a multitude of differences possibly belonging to different species in return. All in all the two were seeing their multi-limbed assailant with his arms tied and the two already having him in a room keeping him far from able to break free or hurt them. 

"Large, four arms, head slightly bigger but, its clear that he hails from a warrior culture." She whispered as she was already forming a way to reach him. "From the way I see it they are pirates or raiders who attacked the wrong vessel." He continued on as he sighed and looked at her. "Its clear from the looks of it that they were trafficking slaves or they had them for ransom." He added making her sigh knowing that such people were already insane or they internalized the brutal lifestyle to the point that they see nothing bad with it. 

A fact of life that required two things. Troubling times and people having the money to pay for it. "All we know is that they would likely have taken our people if we ever lost especially those that surrendered but, they don't know who we are." She spoke out before she soon enough looked at the thing making him stare back likely unpleased with the constricted matter of which he was found himself with. 

"Privateers might be the word you looking at outsiders. " He spoke out with a smirk. "Mercenaries and might I add a great guide for outsiders like your people." He said as he relaxed and let her know that he was oddly ok with meeting outsiders like them. "What do you mean outsiders and aren't you eager to guide with people you have never met before." She added towards him as she was quite curious about the calm expression he was having despite how this fact could have made people go insane from the way this had happened. One that made Carl shocked as he focused on the fact that they were talking with someone that offered his services towards them and finally the fact that they were not of this world. All the while the recorder was placing his words into the ship's system likely to be shown to the admiral once he fully recovered. 

"Ahh its clear that you are not from this realm. Iron ships, weird weapons and from the looks of it you are yet to have your first blessings from the gods." He spoke out making Maria think for a while as she was connecting the dots. "I see and these people are outsiders?" She asked referring to the prisoners they found. "Nope they are what we call the damned those that lost the touch of their gods." He muttered before he sighed. "This bed is quite hard, the place is damn as well and the ship is far too cold how can you all live like this.. Not willing I suppose." He said letting her know that he was also studying them as well. 

"Lets cut to the chase you want to learn more about this world you found yourselves in and lucky for you I was quite the book worm and navigator so I can guide you in more ways then one." He said making her look at him wanting to know if he was up for it or not. "No offense but, you are the kind to think that you have the power to do it with ease but, we have hundreds of you already. People that have the tech or the sorcery to do it only to see that we are billions in number and we can easily overpower them and with so many minds at work that we have gotten creative." He continued on as he looked on at her knowing that he was the one with the most advantages. "Kill me and how sure are you that its far from my lands where we have millions on the ready who are eager to repel you all or meet the nasty territorial beast gods at the wrong time and place." He continued on letting them all know that he was valuable. 

"You get the land on which you can settle and expand from and I get to live and return home simple really of course with some rights to the loot." He continued on wanting to strike it rich with this deal in return. "Of course kill me and get lost or wait for the interception fleet to come nasty and full of weapons that will tear apart this ship of yours." He ended making Maria take stock of the information that he had sent forth along with the fact that they were not rare in this world and rather they were the norm in truth. 

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