Chapter 9 - Tamaraw's Arch

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With the sun starting to illuminate the atoll that the people would begin to wake up as the kids were waking up their weary and tired parents only for them to get their already soaked swimwear as they rushed on towards the water before jumping into the shallow waters in return. While Marines from the night shift would take turns watching over the kids to make sure that no one actually get hurt knowing that they were close to getting back to the ship. 

Rather as it so happened the noise that they would make would wake up Gabriella as she looked on longingly of a time long past. A life that made her believe that life was worth living only for her to sigh as she went on and gotten ready to return back to her workshop. As the quick respite made her think just how she was lucky in a way and how she was glad to have people to look after and look on for hope. As while she saw the kids as something that she was unsure on getting she knew that she was still young and maybe it was time to move on from the past like so many of them had gotten too good at. 

As she went to prepare for things. Prepping her old bag and seeing her old photos and those of her son now no longer here with her but, all in a better place as she believe him to be. All in all she would get her tent up as so have the others come to do with all of them quite happy with the little relaxation while couples were over one another. Likely due to some late night meeting as one of the guards were quite happy about as it seems that one's pockets were a little bit heavier then usual. 

Regardless she would smile knowing that some of them were the recovering victims of the wurm scare that happened recently. As she would get her friends to wake up starting with the two guards only to hear Robin waking up and soon enough getting ready herself in return. Her getting dressed and her yawning as she gotten her bag up as she was eager to get back to her workshop but, as it so happen the people that woke up were now taking pictures one that gotten her to think and soon enough nod. 

"How about a group picture?" She asked as they were here and they did have fun plus what are the chances of there being an atoll like this in the future. "Well beats waiting." Spoke Jasmine as she was up and eager to just go and have her fun while June would look on and nod as she was up and eager for all of this and more. The two still far from being packed and their messy look shown at that. As being the youths of the group they were quite just eager to live and have fun knowing that there was no future to store up for for the time being. As while they were in a new world there was still nothing to save up for the time being. 

"Yeah better we get some memories before we turn old and grey of course." Said Gabriella as she gotten her tent packed up. "But, first you three pack up cause I'm not going to wait for you all." She told them as she was up and eager to just retire for the time being as she was all glad and happy to relax after all of this and more. As the two would nod and with Robin already halfway done with her packing up. As most of them didn't have much in terms of personal items and barring from a tent of their own and their own sleeping bags they had more general tools for them to use on their crafts and what anyone can use in return. 

As the two would come finish soon after as they had their bags full of their items as they were up and eager for what was to come. "So pose like this?" The young crewmember said as she threw a double peace sign with a smile as she would have to get ready for what was to come as she was up and eager for all of this. While her friend looked at her with a smile knowing that she was still eager and happy despite how they grew up in such a bleak place. 

"Yeah, save it for the picture taking now." She said before pulling her in and letting her get on it as they relocated to a better place. "Yeah killjoy." She said as she went on out and walked towards the more interesting land formation and even to a place that looked better. As the people were getting some last minute pictures as most of the tents were taken out and that some leaving behind messages. 

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