Chapter 37 - Martyr

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"Everything... Everything is a mess." She spoke out as she looked on the burnt forest. Seeing the charred humans and the remains of the squad that made this happen some of them that were trapped, pinned or killed off  by one another. Seeing the remains of the vehicles that they were riding along with the destroyed barrier that blocked to the entrance. "Find survivors." She commanded wanting to know who and what had happened as she took pictures confirming the destruction of their trucks, light fighting vehicles and finally even an APC. 

As while they were making their way towards the logistical site of where the convoy had originated that she and her twenty would see the flames raging in what was a nearby distance. One that made them all rush on to see if they could help in anyway. Only to see the aftermath of an ambush. One that they won but, at what cost. As her people would rush in and gather what they could. 

As she would hear the reports with her seeing the burned bodies of the anggitay whom the others cried as the slammed their fists to the grounds knowing who these were. The squad of Saya whom had been a knight and famous far and wide for her careful and mobile way of combat. The fastest lance of the kingdom with her slumped down on the scorched eat with her body burned, shot, and cut yet from the looks of it was at peace until the end. While another was just infront of her weaken but, still alive. 

"We found 8 dead..." One of her people spoke out as they dragged the bodies with them. Counting 5 for the horsewomen and the other being 3 for the marksmen. As she looked on and saw that they just saved their city. "This wasn't ordered... They sacrificed themselves." She replied knowing that they were heroes as she kneeled towards them. "Collect their bodies.. Make sure... Arms, legs, heads.. Bodies bring all that you all can." She commanded as she saw that they singlehandedly flipped the situation where they would likely force them to build up and collect whom they could while the tale of what happened today would spread fear and terror as the survivors give word of what would seem like the fire god's response to their transgression. 

As even if she didn't ordered it that they would search far and wide. As these people shown and gave out their own and fought to the bitter end. Yet as it was they saw them happy and smiling until the end. Their bodies stiff and charred as they were all too eager to keep these heroes with the respect that they all deserved. "We are going back.. They already did our work." She spoke out knowing that these people did their best to ensure that they were able to stop the siege without the help of another. "Getting them back is the least that we can do." She added as they searched finding the remains of their last member. Namely it was the scattered hands and feet of the valiant marksman and from the looks of it seem to be the cause of an explosion. 

As with that they would return. Hauling the 9 who died and keeping the survivor safe and sound. As they were making sure that he could return so that they could be remembered. One that took them hours to complete as she and her men would return back home. Yet they found that the place was quite vigilant as a long way before they could even get to it that they would see one of the males to come in. His bow already on his back before he could see the dead. "Its Saya..." he said knowing that the burned one was the woman knowing too well that even for the females she was bigger and such it made sense especially after the burning forest yesterday. 

As it seems that the fires did spread but, left with it a sizeable darken area. "Tell the commander that we brought the heroes back." She spoke out as he would nod before departing and soon enough calling for the gates to open revealing to them a city in mourning. As candles were scattered around the covered city. While priests and criers spoke of the heroics of the ten. Not knowing that the people they praise were about to enter the gates themselves. As the situation was calm and more so the people felt much more eager to fight knowing of the ten. 

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