Chapter 3 - Voyage (Modern)

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After months of preparation and hard work the people were finally ready to join the main fleet. As most if not all could see just how much everyone was all too eager to do their best to forge themselves a new life outside of the rumoured gate. A colossal structure that appeared in the ocean before and now their last hope in getting out of this world and into a new home for them to build anew. 

While there was never any confirmation of a new world, one thing was clear and that was every remnant was building up what navy they still had before crossing into this new world. With everyone allowed to create their new home across the gate. One of which was the Tamaraw one that would drag with it a multitude of survivors from the archipelago ones of which eager to create a home for those that were left behind to come to in the future as humanity finally left this world once and for all. 

Hence, with pride, hope and with great anticipation the colonization fleet would set sail. As hundreds of thousands of people flock to see their love ones for what could be the last time. Some holding onto their fathers, brothers, sisters and mothers as they bid goodbye thought as it was most held the hope that they would come back once again back home. Their tears, sacrifices, and most of all effort given in order for the second batch to come in and settle in a new city one that will welcome them with open arms. 

"My fellow survivors." Spoke the president of the remnants. "Today four thousand of our bravest would set sail from our darkish shores all with one objective, goal, and priority." President Manuel spoke out as he sat on the podium near the bottom of the ship as it was about to be dropped into the waters as the retrofit had been done. Along with this long and sturdy cables fasten and keep hundreds of vessels of various sizes near it when they depart. As the crew listened from on top of the deck all making sure that when they dropped it from the dry docks and soon enough dragging the other vessels with it. 

"To build a new city to start anew, rebuild, and prosper." He said with pride as everyone had given their own to make the Tamaraw possible. "With drive to rescue us from this purgatory that chokes us hopeless with each passing day." He said as he raised his hands as he beckon the crowd to follow in. "Let us pray, support, and most of all make ready for the return of our heroes the blessed four thousands!" He yelled out making colonist or not to cheer in as they made ready for the end of the ceremony as he was given a large bottle of wine possibly the last of its kind before he smashes it into the bow of the ship shattering it and soon enough giving the signal for the people to let her free. Letting loose the metal beams that kept it at bay and soon enough watching as the ship slide on through to freedom. 

As the colonist prepared for the upcoming pull as they held onto what handles or surfaces that they could hold onto as when the ship finally landed on the waters that it started to pull on the boats that came. As they could see the rope tighten before their ships were pulled into the waters as well letting them go as they brave this new world. 

All the while the crew at the Tamaraw would scramble to their positions and posts. As guards assumed to their gun positions and posts as they watch and monitor the boats on the back hoping to make sure that none of them spilled over or that all were safe. As Jazzy was back in his bridge as he coordinated the men while they plot their course. "We're all busy so I'll keep this short." He said as he prepared to give his speech or his words.

"As the president said our goal is simple and that is to find land and create a haven but, that is what they expected of us... Nope our goal is simple and  that is to survive... the waves,  the others,  and most of all ourselves." He said letting them hear his words as he was serious but, had a gentle tone as he told them their priority. "Survive to see this mission through, survive to ripe the benefits the ones back home promised you.. And most of all survive to rebuild." He said ending is broadcast leaving everyone with his words and his wishes for all of them. "And I'll make it so." He added as they follow their course to join the main fleet. 

As the ship was towing with it their future with him leading the vessel. Though good signs were on the horizon as there was a lack any tropical storms and despite how dark the ocean was they survived without much damage for the first instances of the travel. With the marines doing their best to practise their craft with some diving and even checking up around the other vessels to see just how bad or good their situation was along with solving disputes as they made sure that their was no problem for the time being. 

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